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Article Cargo cruising...


100+ Posts
Just reading an interview with a couple who sailed to Halifax via cargo ship. This quotation caught my eye:

"There was very little to do and we acquired the peaceful boredom of routine," Mary-Ann says.
"Our minds stilled. We absorbed more of what we read. Slow travel was actually quite wonderful."

Conventional cruises don't hold any appeal for me, but this does sound quite wonderful. (I'm eligible for a 3 month (paid) sabbatical in 2020....now I'm thinking a cargo cruise to Europe might be a great way to start off and get into rejuvenation mode!)

Here's the link:
One of my uncles went round the world on a 'cargo cruise' many years ago and had a wonderful time. He was never quite sure where the itinerary would take him next - it all depended on the cargo. There were only a few 'passengers' and they always ate with the crew and he was a frequent visitor to the engine room. There were long (and many continuous) days at sea, so it was a very relaxing holiday and he got to many parts of the world the average person never gets to.

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