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Carry-On Luggage and Alitalia: do they measure????


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Hi All,
We have our fall trip airline tickets to Rome and on to Sicily all booked on Alitalia, but with carry-on baggage only. It will be a challenge I feel up to, but I'm planning to buy new luggage that is affordable and super light to maximize what can go inside! Total weight limit is 17.6 lbs.
There are two iT bags I'm considering, and there's just a smidgen of difference in the dimensions. The Alitalia allowance is 21.7 x 13.8 x 9.9. One of the bags is 22 x 14 x 9 (but of course, it's the slightly more desirable one to me) and the other model (LA) is 21.5" x 13.5" x 9". My question is whether anyone has had experience where they actually have their luggage measured and if the total linear inches or centimeters is okay but the height is a little off, have you gotten pushback?
Thanks for any and all feedback!
Since no one has replied, I'd say the following (although I have flown very little) :

If you want absolute peace of mind at the airport, adhere to the rule as it is. You never know when a certain airline, or certain personnel, will decide to be super-pedantic about their procedures, even though they risk earning a displeased customer. I really have pity on the travelers I've seen at airports who are taking apart their luggage because of not following the rules. Remember that the carry-on also might bulge even more than its "true" dimensions, if you've stuffed it too much.

That said, we've been a bit over-weight or a bit over-sized with our baggage sometimes, but we've been let through without the airline making an issue of it. I'm sure that happens quite a bit, I've seen passengers pushing larger bags than mine into the overhead compartment.

The exceedance you describe in your case is very small, so probably you will never encounter a problem. BTW, if you're buying the new carry-on straight from the Internet and not from a store, just make sure that the dimensions provided are true and include the wheels or whatever.
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Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences. Of course it's always better to play it safe, but recent true-life scenarios are always helpful. The worst case (pun intended!) I suppose, would be that we have to check the bags and hope that they make our connection in Rome, to Catania. The good news is that our connecting flight is Alitalia also.

I've looked at the dimensions listed on the iT website, eBags website and AAA website, and all are consistent. I've also seen the smidgeon larger bag in person at my local AAA store -- it's pretty nice! The real motivation to purchase now, and the larger one, is a sale at AAA, 50% off luggage. That makes it the best price I've ever seen for these bags, however they don't offer the "regulation size" one. (And yes, I can hear my late mother's voice saying "penny-wise and pound foolish" :~)!)
At the risk of sounding like your mother...

I would rather not take the chance.

It's not just getting there, but getting back home. I always carry on only, and don't have problems leaving from my home airport (SFO) but have found that different airports and airlines are different in
what they will allow. I've been that person Joe describes, not because of not following the rules, but because of a difference in rules. I now know that AirFrance at CDG weighs EVERYTHING, including my purse, and is strict about weights per bag. Have had to redistribute at the counter, and now put things in my pockets that might send me over the limit. Not sure why they don't count weight of my jacket with bulging pockets... but... it worked.

But that's me... and the price of having to check a bag that doesn't meet carry-on restrictions can be
the difference between, well, the sale price of one of those bags???

Good luck!
You can't rely on the advertised size on the bag's label to be correct as a carryon size.
You have to measure the wheels too.
To be 21 inches or less, you end up with a bag that is 19 inches as advertised , because the wheels can add two inches .
Take a measuring tape to the store before you buy; don't buy a "21 inch" bag as it is probably 23 or 24 inches when you include the wheels and handles!
I flew to Sicily and back last year, on Alitalia/FCO (I flew BA to Rome). I weighed my combined bags, and made sure I was under the weight limit and carried my scale with me.

My carry-on 4-wheel bag weighs 3.8lbs before packed, and I had a small backpack as my second piece. I fully expected to have my luggage weighed, but it wasn't. I flew into Palermo and out of Catania.

That said, there's no guarantee yours won't be weighed. As for measurements, my 4-wheeler is 20".

Now---Air France weighed my combined bags last spring (different trip and luggage). They pulled me out of the security line, before getting to it, and weighed my bags. If I'd known, I could have pulled out one jacket and met the limit, as I was barely over! I was flying Paris to Venice. Of course, they made me pay for that checked bag! Which, made me wonder if that's really their motivation.

I wouldn't risk knowingly violating the rules because buying luggage is expensive. If it won't fit on this trip, it likely won't fit on future trips. So a bargain price for a slightly bigger piece may mean you'll later have to buy another bag--so, the bargain is no longer a bargain.

Measure. Weigh. No worries.
Thanks, all, for your advice! For peace of mind, I may just add on the extra baggage option online with Alitalia, before we leave, as it's much less than getting stuck at the airport with fees. That way we won't be stressed if an agent decides to weigh our combined carry-on and personal items.

Cameron, would you mind sharing which 20" bag you have, weighing 3.8 lbs? Sounds like that could be a viable option for us.
I have had some success at discount stores like TJMax ... my current carry-on is old, made by Heys, and probably closer to 5 lbs than Cameron's, but it was $25 at a Ross store. And, as I said... it's lasted for years now, best cost per use of almost anything I have!

Good luck!
Funny you say this.....I put a tape measure in my bag today in case I have time to run over to TJ Maxx on my lunch hour or on my way home from work :). Marshall's has had some good small bags, and they feel pretty light but when I look at the specifications on line, they're all around 5-6 lbs, and my sweet spot, I think, is going to be right around 4 lbs or less.
It is definitely hit or miss at those places, but I got lucky!

BTW, although my bag is a bit heavier than Cameron's, I have taken it on several 2-3 week trips to Europe, and use it constantly on my 3 or 4 annual trips around the US, and have not had a problem packing within the limits (AirFrance at CDG aside... but that only needed some rearranging and a big jacket pocket, so it wasn't terrible). I'm also tall, so limit my personal item to a medium sized purse 'cause I need that legroom... so, just some encouragement about maybe packing less.
UPDATE: I ordered a couple of carry-on options from AAA during their 50% off luggage sale (ended 6/30/19) and here's what I found. The Skyway Mirage 20" bag looked pretty well constructed, and met the size limitations. But what was advertised as a 5 lbs 2 oz bag was actually 5.6 lbs, or 5 lbs 9 oz, so that seemed too high to us.

The iT luggage Debonair bag seemed a little flimsy, but met the size requirements (just barely) and what was advertised as 4 lbs 4 oz was actually 4 lbs even. Given that the total cost for the 2 carry-ons was $74, we decided to keep them and use for this trip. Ultimately, if it works out that we can travel for 2+ weeks using miniscule bags, we might invest in more solid lightweight luggage in the future.

Thanks to all for your feedback! The small luggage scale I picked up at TJ Maxx has earned its price tag already and will be invaluable when it comes time to pack. Will keep fingers crossed that they won't weigh the personal item as well.

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