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Change of plans? (coronavirus)

We are very grateful that we completed a wonderful trip to Spain last September, and a Panama Canal cruise in February before that was no longer an option. We've had to cancel both a May and September trip to see our kids in Oregon. The ordeal of making the decision as to whether or not to cancel a NYT Broadway Atlantic crossing cruise in October, which we were very much looking forward to, was taken away from us as Cunard has cancelled all trips until November. On a bi-weekly Zoom happy hour with five girlfriends one asked, "Do you think we'll ever go to Italy again." Planning for the future isn't what it used to be....
Regarding flights to Italy: Several friends who live part time in Italy are are planning to go very shortly, say that a) no carry on, overhead baggage, just what fits under seat and b) regulations lifted for seating distance, so they will be filling all seats. HOW does that make any sense? The two directives are no consistent. Jeez......Also, the "rules" are very fluid for entry into the country, being reviewed every 2 weeks.....

Marshajc: Planning is pretty much a fantasy at this point so I am planning to go to Italy in October unless it's absolutely too stupid! That's how I am handling most of 2020!
We finally decided it was too stressful to wait any longer, and have cancelled our November vacation to New Zealand. In the grand scheme of things it's a small thing. We had gotten cancel-for-any-reason insurance that covers 75% of the stuff that isn't refundable, so while we are losing some money, it's bearable. I know I could have waited in case the flights just got cancelled, but honestly the extra stress wasn't worth it for me, and also this way our rentals are freed up for others.

But I am sad, as it was a long-planned, long-anticipated trip, and it's hard to envision when we might be able to make it in the future. It seems like COVID-19 will be impacting travel for quite a while yet.

Fortunately we live in a beautiful state that is doing relatively okay at the moment (Maine, USA) so vacationing locally is a viable option. Best wishes to all of you who have had your plans changed, or suffered even more directly due to the pandemic.
We are in unprecedented times and, while most could tolerate the changes for the first 3 months, not knowing if, when, or ever is wearing on many. We've cancelled 2 planned trips to see our kids and grandkids in OR whom we've not been with for a year. Our Oct. NYT Broadway cruise on QM2 was cancelled by Cunard - and we would have cancelled anyhow. A friend asked the other day, "Do you think we'll ever get to Italy again?" No one has an answer. Our very good friend in Milan sends very despondent emails about the conditions in "my beautiful Italy," which make us sad to read. Reading about conditions in Spain, particularly Barcelona, leave us grateful that we were just there in September. So it seems to me that cancelling travel is the right thing to do now, for at least until a successful vaccine is found.

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