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Christmas in Oxford

Belated reply, yes the Christmas lights in London are good this year.
I’m trying to remember if there are any outstanding Christmas shop windows this year but I can’t, except for Liberty and Fortnum & Masons.
The courtyard of Somerset House looks very festive with it’s ice rink. The tree was just going up when I went for my art talk last month.
Still no flashing signs on the GWR website so I am hoping trains will run fairly normally for you tomorrow.
Signing off for now.
Wendy…I am so glad your visitor had no issues with their train travel. It is so disconcerting when there are unknowns that might disrupt our plans.
Thank you for keeping an eye out for our plans, too…we so appreciate all the help you have given us.
It looks like the rain might end just about the time we get to the Oxford train station at noon tomorrow, and actually be partly cloudy/sunny for the few hours we are in London tomorrow…@1-6pm.
Thank you for your good wishes and kind thoughts! I will report back tomorrow on how our London visit went.
Wendy…I am so glad your visitor had no issues with their train travel. It is so disconcerting when there are unknowns that might disrupt our plans.
Thank you for keeping an eye out for our plans, too…we so appreciate all the help you have given us.
It looks like the rain might end just about the time we get to the Oxford train station at noon tomorrow, and actually be partly cloudy/sunny for the few hours we are in London tomorrow…@1-6pm.
Thank you for your good wishes and kind thoughts! I will report back tomorrow on how our London visit went.
Yes the forecast for tomorrow has suddenly improved !
I hope you were able to sign up for alerts for your train.
I really am signing out now.
Reporting back on our trip from Oxford to London today. Everything went very smoothly. The train from Oxford Station to Paddington Station was on time and and a very quick trip. The Bakerloo Tube from Paddington to Embankment was also very quick and easy. We walked from Embankment to Somerset House and arrived about an hour before our Peppa Pig Tea bus tour, so we walked around Somerset House. The large Christmas tree and the skating rink were lovely…so many people enjoying skating on a beautiful, sunny, mild December day,
The Peppa Pig Tea bus tour was wonderful…my 3 year old granddaughter loved it! The food was delicious and the bus took us on a wonderful circular route through London. By the time it ended it was dark, so many areas were beautifully lit up for Christmas…Trafalgar Square and the Borough Market were particularly lovely. It was also nice to see the Elizabeth Tower containing Big Ben as it was covered in scaffolding the last time we were in London in October 2018.
So far, we have had the best time with many more days still to come!
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Reporting back on our trip from Oxford to London today. Everything went very smoothly. The train from Oxford Station to Paddington Station was on time and and a very quick trip. The Bakerloo Tube from Paddington to Embankment was also very quick and easy. We walked from Embankment to Somerset House and arrived about an hour before our Peppa Pig Tea bus tour, so we walked around Somerset House. The large Christmas tree and the skating rink were lovely…so many people enjoying skating on a beautiful, sunny, mild December day,
The Peppa Pig Tea bus tour was wonderful…my 3 year old granddaughter loved it! The food was delicious and the bus took us on a wonderful circular route through London. By the time it ended it was dark, so many areas were beautifully lit up for Christmas…Trafalgar Square and the Borough Market were particularly lovely. It was also nice to see the Elizabeth Tower containing Big Ben as it was covered in scaffolding the last time we were in London in October 2018.
So far, we have had the best time with many more days still to come!
That’s very good to hear, well done & Happy Christmas to you & your family.

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