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Does anyone else rearrange the furniture in Vacation rentals?


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....always putting it back in the original place of course.
I always rearrange seating, lighting for reading, and contents of the kitchen cupboards; if I'm going to be there a week or longer.
I like things to be efficient!
I do make sure I put the furniture back where it originally was.
I dislike the non-stick pots and pans they frequently have in vacation rentals. In Switzerland they always put a piece of paper towel between them when stacking them, so they won't scratch. I bring this Swiss tradition to vacation rentals in Italy and France! And I always leave a kitchen better organized than I find it!
I like uncluttered kitchen benches, so I put things away until I need them . The same goes for bowls , vases, ornaments etc on tables and benches we will be using frequently. Some have knick knacks all over the place and I worry something will get knocked over. We have moved furniture sometimes, but for convenience eg chairs to in front of the fire, table to under a window for a view. We always return everything to their original position.
One of the secret pleasures of home exchanges is wandering around someone else's place either picking up ideas or imagining (but only imagining) how it ought to be reorganised. I wouldn't move much around, if only because I'd probably not remember where it needs to go back to. On the other hand, I often find on coming home that my exchange partners have put something away in the "wrong" drawer or cupboard, or somewhere I can't find for several weeks or months, and I've probably done the same unwittingly.

Once I came home rather proud of having sorted out the limescale on an exchange partners' shower screen, only to find to my shame they had cleaned up my cooker top to a much higher standard than I'd ever managed.....
We stayed in one place that had picture frames scattered everywhere with the original pictures that were sold with still in the frames. :wacky:

I could not resist and went got pictures printed of our family and the fun we are having and populated all the frames. Pieces of paper of people walking down the beach or with their Colgate smiles holding hands were replaced with Colo and family having fun. :smuggrin: I wonder what the owners did when they returned :p

We did leave the pieces of paper pictures behind our pictures so they could restore their original ambiance if they like :angelic:
Yes, I move all the ornaments too. I like empty surfaces. Rental kitchens never have enough counter top space, so I move all the things I won't be using and put them away. I also wash all the dishes we will be using before we use them. Who knows who washed them properly last time?!!
Here or abroad, in a hotel or apartment, we turn sofas and chairs around to look out at the view. We always turn them back around before checking out/leaving. Re brick-a-brack, I may move them out of the way, but not out of site. That we might forget to put back.

Good question and I like the answers. W
In that recent movie with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (By the Sea) they check into a hotel and rearrange all the furniture without discussion because they must do this all the time.

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