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Europe opening up for US travelers

This point in the article was interesting and makes sense to me:

Stick to visiting one country

As rules change and airlines scramble to keep up with the latest requirements, transportation can come with added hurdles. Even though many Americans enjoy bopping around to multiple countries during their trips to Europe, Tan doesn’t encourage doing so at this point of the pandemic.
“We recommend people limit the number of countries that you fly and travel to,” Tan said. “You could potentially waste a lot of time in the logistics of the flights, and taking a lot longer to get from one country to the next. … Your transfers are going to affect you.”
Sticking to one country is what caused me to postpone our planned vacation in July this year.

Back last October we booked a UniWorld cruise and rail tour for August 6th. It started in Milan and then to Venice for 9 days. After that the rail trip went through Slovenia, Austria and ending in Switzerland. In March I decided things were too iffy to count on getting into all those countries. So I rebooked the trip for August 26, 2022 (a little better time of year anyway).

At first I was little peeved that I paid for the trip in full in October, 2020, and wouldn't take the trip until almost 2 years later. However, the price of the trip in 2022 is $1000 pp more for our cabin and UniWorld did not charge us the price increase.
This point in the article was interesting and makes sense to me:

Stick to visiting one country

As rules change and airlines scramble to keep up with the latest requirements, transportation can come with added hurdles. Even though many Americans enjoy bopping around to multiple countries during their trips to Europe, Tan doesn’t encourage doing so at this point of the pandemic.
“We recommend people limit the number of countries that you fly and travel to,” Tan said. “You could potentially waste a lot of time in the logistics of the flights, and taking a lot longer to get from one country to the next. … Your transfers are going to affect you.”
This is exactly what we decided! It's complicated enough keeping up with the requirements to get into ONE country! Ireland will be waiting for us next year.

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Booking.com Hotels in Europe
AutoEurope.com Car Rentals

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