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European Trip for Americans


500+ Posts
Contest 2019 Winner!
Missing traveling to the Europe during the germ!

This trip is for you!
I see a road trip in the future for those who feel trapped!
Here's a list for Italy from Wiki: ;)

City or townNamesakeNotes
AnconaAncona, Illinois[19]
AnzioAnzio Acres, North Carolina[90][12]
ArcoleArcola, Missouri[2] named for the Battle of Arcole
AstiAsti, California[5]
CarraraCarrara, Nevada[91]
ComoComo, Missouri[2]
CremonaCremona, Maryland[92][40]
FlorenceFlorence, AlabamaThere are many cities in the US named Florence, but this is the only one named after the Italian city. All the others were named after people.[10]
GenoaGenoa, New York[10]
ImolaImola, California[5]
La VernaAlverno, Wisconsin[25]
Lido di VeneziaLido Beach, New York[20]
Lodi, LombardyLodi, New Jersey[10]
Loreto, MarcheLoretto, Pennsylvania[10]
MantuaMantua, Alabama[93]
Mantua, Ohionamed for the Siege of Mantua (1796–97)[49]
MilanMilan, Illinois
Milan, Michigan
Milan, Missouri
Milan, Ohio
Milan, Tennessee[10]
ModenaModena, Missouri[10]
MondovìMondovi, Wisconsin[8] named for the Battle of Mondovì
NaplesNaples, Florida[6]
Naples, Idaho[34]
Naples, New York[10]
PaduaPadua, Ohio
PalermoPalermo, California[5]
ParmaParma, Ohio
Parma, Idaho[34]
PaviaPavia, Pennsylvania [94][57]:249
RavennaRavenna, Ohio[49]
Rivoli, Piedmont or Rivoli VeroneseRivoli Township, Illinois[10] needs disambiguation
RomeRome, Georgia[10]
Rome, New York[10]
SalernoPort Salerno, Florida[6]
SavonaSavona, New York[20]
SorrentoSorrento, Louisiana[4]
Spinetta MarengoMarengo, Illinois[10] named for the Battle of Marengo
Subiaco, LazioSubiaco, Arkansas[9]
Tivoli, LazioTivoli, Texas[52]
TrentoTrent, Minnesota[8]
TurinTurin, Georgia[3]
VeniceVenice Beach, California
Venice, Florida[6]
Venice, Illinois
Venice, Missouri
VeronaVerona, New Jersey[10]
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Hi Susan -- how are you? We're under a semi-stay-at-home order now, but it's wonderful to be in a place where there's no (or at least minimal) resistance to wearing masks and social distancing, except of course among the young. Hope you're doing well, and much aloha, Ann

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Booking.com Hotels in Europe
AutoEurope.com Car Rentals

Recommended Guides, Apps and Books

52 Things to See and Do in Basilicata by Valerie Fortney
Italian Ancestral Journeys by Bryan Schneider
Italian Food & Life Rules by Ann Reavis
Italian Food Decoder App by Dana Facaros, Michael Pauls
French Food Decoder App by Dana Facaros, Michael Pauls
She Left No Note, Lake Iseo Italy Mystery 1 by J L Crellina
Tuscan Traveler, Living in Italy by Ann Reavis
