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Accommodations Fragrance-Free Travel

I am sensitive to the synthetic fragrances that have become increasingly popular the world over. These are the chemicals used in personal body products, laundry products, cleaning products, scented candles, and air fresheners to give them a “smell”. These fragrances are not regulated by government agencies and research has shown that they can be harmful to humans, not just to those who notice them and feel sick around them. If a product has the ingredient “parfum”, “perfume” or “fragrance”, they probably have these harmful chemicals in them (unless they also say “from natural sources”). I can make my home fragrance-free, but it is problematic when traveling. I have been dealing with this for 20 years and have some ideas to make your travel as fragrance-free as possible.

When booking hotels ask for a fragrance-free room. Some hotels know how to deal with this. They will not spray air freshener in the room and will air it out before you arrive to remove the fragrances from the cleaning products. We used to stay in a hotel in Toronto that even did an extra fragrance-free wash of the sheets for us. Unfortunately more hotels are now spraying fragrances in the lobbies and hallways, even in the rooms (signature scents). If you ask about this before booking the person you talk to may not understand what you mean because they have stopped noticing the fragrance, so do not know that it is there and is strong.

Spa hotels frequently have fragrance in the hotel and rooms because they think it promotes a relaxed atmosphere. They think they are spraying something natural, but it is usually a chemical soup of fragrance.

Cheaper hotels, especially chains in the US/Canada, use fragrances throughout the hotel to make it seem nicer than it is. Older buildings, like historic buildings in the UK and Europe, use fragrances to cover the smell of mould. Hotels by the sea frequently use air fresheners to cover the damp smell.

We try to limit our hotel stays because it is easier for us to air out a vacation rental/airbnb. Fragrance in hotels tends to be more intense than in a house/apartment. The Sofitel airport hotels in the UK will provide a fragrance-free room and their bedding does not have a fragrance. The Mercure chain in Europe seems to be low on fragrance.

When booking vacation rentals/airbnbs ask if fragrances like scent sticks or air fresheners are used. Most owners/managers will tell you they do not use them, but when you arrive you find the scent sticks that they had forgotten about. Look carefully at the photos. Do you see scent sticks? Anything that looks like an automatic fragrance pump, the ones that pump fragrance into the room? Some owners will understand what you are talking about and will air out the house/apartment before you arrive. Some owners don’t use fragrances!

Air out the house/apartment. When you arrive at your vacation rental/airbnb, remove fragrant things and air out the place. Remove the scented candles. I put them all in a plastic bag and put it outside if I can. If I can’t, I find an unused closet in the house/apartment and put it there. Remove any bottles of perfume and do the same (yes, we have rented more than one place that had bottles of perfume in it). Look under the sinks in the kitchen and bathrooms. If it is very fragrant under there do the same with these things. Find the washing machine. Put the collection of half empty, strongly fragranced washing liquid in a plastic bag and put outside. You will find that removing all these sources of fragrance helps. Open all the windows for your first day and air out the place.

Have a good walk around looking for fragrant things. Sometimes throw pillows are bad – maybe they have been sprayed, maybe someone wearing perfume was using it. I remove them if they have a fragrance.

Bring your own pillow cases and sheets. This sounds extreme and for someone wanting to pack light, it is extreme. A compromise is to just bring an allergy pillow case (this keeps the dust mites and fragrances inside) and a pillow case to put on top. I travel with two allergy pillow cases, two pillow cases and two king-size (UK superking-size) flat sheets. They take up a whole packing cube but have saved us many times. I don’t bring a fitted sheet because bed sizes vary. A flat sheet can be used in many ways – as your bed sheet, to enclose a fragrant duvet, thrown over a fragrant sofa.

Most hotels do not use highly fragranced bedding. Their wash is done commercially, and these places tend to use fragrance-free detergents.

Most vacation rentals/airbnbs wash their own sheets and in Europe the normal washing soap is very fragrant. Fabric softeners are even worse. Chances are very good that your bedding and towels will have a strong fragrance. These fragrances transfer to the duvet. When I encounter these fragrances, I remove the sheets and pillow cases and use my own. I take the duvet or blanket and hang it outside in the sun for a day and this helps.

Bring your own washing soap. I travel with my own clothes washing powder for hand or machine washes. You can find fragrance-free washing soap in most countries, but it is not always easy to find. Look in the natural foods shops. It is easier to bring it with you than spend precious holiday time hunting for it.

De-fragrance the washing machine. The washer in most vacation rentals will have been used with highly fragranced washing soap and if you wash your clothes in it, even using fragrance-free soap, your clothes will become scented. This is what I do to de-fragrance the machine:
  • Remove the soap dispenser. It may take a bit of fiddling, but they all come out of the machine. Give it a very good wash to remove all the old soap. Clean the area around the dispenser too.
  • Do a vinegar wash. Buy a bottle of white vinegar, pour half into the soap dispenser and half into the machine and do a hot wash. This really clears out the fragrance.
  • Do a test wash. I do a test wash on our underwear because if they have fragrance you usually don’t notice it. If they come out relatively fragrance-free, then you can wash other things. If they don’t, then do handwashing only.
  • Don’t use the dryer. There is no way to clean it out and it always seems to pass fragrance onto the clothes. Drying clothes outside on a rack or line also helps remove residual fragrance.
Buy fragrance-free dishwashing liquid. Dishwashing liquid can be very fragrant. If you have a dishwasher and are not going to use it much, then you can get away with using what they have in the house/apartment. Otherwise look for fragrance-free liquid in the shops. This is usually easier to find than fragrance-free clothes washing soap.

Ask for fragrance-free Get Togethers (GTGs). I hate doing this but I have to do it frequently. If we are meeting up with someone on a trip, I ask them to not wear perfume or aftershave. You can’t ask someone to be fragrance-free because that would be too involved in their personal body care routine. Most people use a lot of fragrance without realizing it – shampoo, hair spray, in their clothes from their washing soap, skin moisturizers – but if you are not living with them, you can keep your distance a bit and not be bothered. But perfume or aftershave on a person you are having lunch with can be overwhelming to someone who is sensitive to these chemicals, so it is best to ask for people to not use these.

That’s it. Let’s all have happy fragrance-free holidays and hope that the fragrance industry is soon outed the way the cigarette industry was all those years ago.

If you have questions or advice, or other solutions, post them in the comments.


Valerie who lives in Italy recommends this fragrance-free washing soap that can be found there. I found this eco dishwashing liquid that has some fragrance, but it is not strong. Products labeled as Hypoallergic are less fragrant.


I found Winni's in Italy and while it has some fragrance, it is not strong.

Pauline Kenny lives in the UK and hates how the fragrance (chemical) industry has affected her life.
Glad to know that Winni's and eco Chante Claire are reasonable options! I never found something completely unscented in my local shops but we only use Ecolabelled soaps both for cleaning/washing and to leave in the apartments for guests, hoping that the scents are as natural as it gets.
A question: the only scented item that we sometimes leave (outside) is citronella candles against mosquitoes... would those be ok?
...but citronella is SO strong. For me, they are a definite "no". I'm like Pauline, except I can tolerate most essential oils as long as they are pure so I often use a little lavender or tea tree oil on my clothing.

And while we're on the topic, how about fragrance-free airlines? and restaurants? A heavily perfumed woman or heavily cologned man can be the cause for a serious migraine for me; not to mention the fragrance ruins a meal or glass of wine. And don't even get me started on scented house candles!
A question: the only scented item that we sometimes leave (outside) is citronella candles against mosquitoes... would those be ok?

I also have a difficult time with citronella but I can handle it when it is outside and I sit away from it and where the wind blows the scent in the opposite direction. Thank you, Giulia, for being concerned about it might affect others.

And while we're on the topic, how about fragrance-free airlines? and restaurants? A heavily perfumed woman or heavily cologned man can be the cause for a serious migraine for me

YES!!! AND ALSO the workplace!! I had to deal with this problem all the time in Hawaii. Since moving to Colorado, I have lived in scent free bliss, or if exposed, it has been very minimal and I have been able to manage the exposure. That all ended last week.

As I walked to work last Friday, I first smelled the perfume coming from a person probably 30 feet ahead of me. I was horrified when she went in the door to our office. She is now working in the same place I am. Even though I stayed on the opposite side of the work area and shut the door to the little room where she hung up her coat that reeked of perfume, it was impossible to avoid the smell. I ended up going home sick 3 hours later.

As a retired teacher, my seasonal winter job is mostly something I do for the social aspect and the great benefits. It's also a way to make a little extra money, but it is not a job I need to survive.

It ended up being a pretty upsetting weekend for me trying to figure out what I am going to do. This season is just about over and I have arranged to only work on days she is not working, but I can't see working with someone wearing heavy perfume next season.

It is interesting how most people have no clue about just how harmful a scent can be to those sensitive to synthetic fragrances. Other people have no sense of smell, so they don't even smell the offensive smell.

When I brought it up with some of my supervisors, I was told each time, "don't worry, we can work around it." I don't think any of them replied to me in a manner indicating that they didn't care. They just don't understand. I can't just work around it. I don't want to have to live my life worrying about using the same bathroom or being in the same space with a heavily perfumed person, even if only for a short amount of time, as it will continue to happen all winter long.

Even if she is asked to not wear the perfume to work, the type of perfume she wears is soaked in her clothes. She would have to de-perfume her house/her clothes/her life, which is not going to happen. I just don't see it working out, so after an emotional weekend, I've pretty much decided that if she returns, I will not.

There really needs to be more education about just how harmful scents can be for some people. I am grateful to everyone who does understand.

Thank you, Pauline, for this Fragrance - Free Travel resource.
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Yes, yes and yes! A former colleague wore so much perfume that you could tell she'd walked down the hall even though she wasn't IN the hall. I teach at a high school and oh, those teens! If a tiny bit of scent is "lovely" then a lot must be better!! Smelly boys wearing too much cologne is the worst! So is the Febreeze the secretary smothers the office in, the carpet cleaner the custodians use, etc.

Our nurse told the building that all scents were no longer to be used, but that doesn't seem to matter.

Those unaffected by scent just don't get it. I REALLY appreciate the post!
It is interesting how most people have no clue about just how harmful a scent can be to those sensitive to synthetic fragrances.
There really needs to be more education about just how harmful scents can be for some people.

Things are going to change only when people realize how harmful fragrances are to THEMSELVES.
Just like in the cigarette, pesticide/herbicide, and food industries. It took decades for this to occur in the latter, so not much reason for optimism - the present situation is that there are loopholes in regulation that enable these substances not even to be listed on the products.
I also detest them, but can live with completely natural ones. Traveling 4-5 hours in a bus here, which I sometimes have to, with no way of opening a window, can be really sickening for me.
I have a chronic respiratory disease and find all fragrances found in modern society very distressing. We try to eliminate all synthetic scents in the house but it is impossible to avoid when going out. We have friends whose houses we hate to visit any more because the whole family has doused themselves in common fragranced laundry detergent/softener, plus they use plug-in air 'fresheners', and the air in their house is just a chemical soup. They are all happily oblivious to it, but we come away feeling ill and have to immediately change and launder all our clothes afterwards, even underwear. My partner likes to use Ecover laundry detergent at home, which has soft natural scents, but I use and recommend borax mixed with sodium bicarb (put 1 large spoon of each in the washing machine). This will clean out any machine contaminated with previous scents, and leaves clothes smelling completely neutral. Borax kills bacteria too, and is economical to use.

I've actually lost my sense of smell in recent years due to my progressive illness but fragrances still cause me problems...I can tell I'm inhaling SOMETHING which is making my head ache, throat sore and lungs feel bad after a while, but I just can't discern exactly what it is nowadays. My partner's sense of smell though is still extraordinary - she can tell hours later if somebody has been to visit our house just by the scent trail they have left in the air, and once was able to tell the position where someone had sat on our sofa 24hrs earlier just by sniffing each cushion!
I use and recommend borax mixed with sodium bicarb (put 1 large spoon of each in the washing machine). This will clean out any machine contaminated with previous scents, and leaves clothes smelling completely neutral. Borax kills bacteria too, and is economical to use.

I have borax but have not tried it. I will give it a try - and bring some with me to Italy to clean out the washers before I use them. Thanks!

I have an extraorindary sense of smell like your partner. I have been known to sniff seat cushions. I can tell that Steve will react to something before he does.

When I am around a very bad fragrance, I don't just smell it but I feel the chemicals on my lips and in my mouth.

I know this is a very old thread, but I stumbled across it earlier this week whilst searching the Internet for fragrance free / chemical free long term accomodation / holiday rentals, etc...

I am a 46 years old single lady, and I live in Surrey, with my beloved (very well behaved) Jack Russell.

I suffer from Mast Cell activation syndrome, Multiple chemical sensitivity, fragrance allergy, Methylisothiazolinone allergy, Ehlers Danlos syndrome, fibromyalgia, anxiety, chronic pain, and several other chronic illnesses.

Exposure to fragrances (perfume, aftershave, body spray, vape fumes, air fresheners, reed diffusers, scented laundry products, etc...) makes my tongue swell up and sting, gives me a headache, rashes, dermatitis, upset stomach, panic / fight or flight response, and just generally makes me feel very sick / unwell.

I don't smoke or drink, and my diet is very restricted due to my MCAS and a soya allergy.

I have been housebound for the past 5 years because of my health issues, and I lead a very lonely isolated existence now, because I have no family living friends nearby, and no support network.

I should probably add that I also run the Fragrance Allergy UK group (fragrance free people) on Facebook, which I set up 3 years ago in the hope of finding fellow sufferers, and it now has 197 members... but sadly I still haven't found anyone from in or around my area for meet ups, support, friendship etc...

I realise it's a total long shot, but I was wondering if Pauline, or anyone else from this thread might happen to know of any safe, eco friendly, fragrance free, dog friendly holiday let's, or long term rental bungalows / cottages down in Hampshire, the New Forest, or near the coast?

Due to my allergies, health and mobility issues, I have become increasingly isolated and cut off where I am (Ockley, Surrey) and I would really like to try and relocate, in order to be much closer to my sister and her family, who live in Chandlers Ford, Eastleigh.

I cannot drive, and I cant use public transport (because of my allergies / mcas) but my sister and her husband can drive, so if I could find somewhere within an easy driving distance of them, that would be great.

I apologise for this not being about European travel... but I hope you will understand why I have posted.
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Hi and welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to hear about your problems and sympathise. I'm convinced the invasion of artificial smells is dangerous and an underestimated problem as well as a nightmare for those who are allergic. There's a lot on the forum about the UK too so maybe someone can help with suggesting accommodation. Best regards Tina
Thinking laterally, I wonder whether a boating holiday might be an option, and there are boatyard rentals in Surrey to make it easier logistically, but also the basingstoke canal (Surrey & Hampshire) might be an option.

Remaining risks:
- Bedding (can you take your own, or find one that doesn't use scented products & get them to air it thoroughly before arrival)
- how happy the Jack Russell is around water
- Locks are doable for a single person, but others typically help when they see a lone person, but it may also be possible to avoid sections with flights of locks
- Chemical toilets. That's probably my biggest concern. Definitely look into the type of chemicals used, and whether single person usage might allow for a lower dosage.

- Easy self catering, with no need to 'eat out'
- Relatively easy to 'air' the cabins on arrival & once underway, whilst sat in the open air steering.
- little to no close contact with other people, but yet still seeing and engaging with others as the boats pass or when mooring up
- majority of time spent in open air
- After having spent a long time at home, the idea of constantly changing scenery might have strong appeal.

Oh, and it absolutely is about European travel, so is absolutely appropriate.

The Basingstoke Canal:​

The Basingstoke Canal meets the River Wey shortly before it joins the Thames and then climbs up several flights of locks including the Deepcut Flight before leaving Surrey and entering the county of Hampshire. The Basingstoke Canal is a tranquil green corridor, despite running through some of the most densely populated areas in the Home Counties commuter belt, which has changed little since it was constructed two hundred years ago. The Basingstoke Canal is ideal for a short break, especially for novices, offering gentle cruising past some excellent waterside pubs and the ancient remains of King John's Castle.
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I’m going to put a link to this in the UK forum in case someone there has info.

The New Forest is a great location and must have a lot of holiday rentals. I think you are going to have to make a lot of inquiries to find something, but I think you will find something. If someone puts “eco” in their listing, that’s a start. Look on VRBO, Airbnb, and any UK agencies for the area. Let us know what you find.

We always travel with a set of sheets. You could bring towels too. We even travel with a HEPA air filter these days.
@fragrancefreeBee - Welcome here, and I sincerely hope you find an accommodation solution.

While I don't develop symptoms near as severe as yours, I certainly understand your plight (see my post above), and my personal belief is that those who choose to go around in a cloud of scents should be made more aware of their influence on their surroundings. Unfortunately no good way to do this except by more education and general awareness of the public.

I would like to make a suggestion that perhaps has little chance of bearing fruit, but "little" still might be better than "zero".

There are still many good souls in the world. Instead of looking for a fragrance-free accommodation (I would suppose that the chances of finding one are indeed close to zero), I might try and persuade a sympathetic accommodation owner to do the necessary preparations that are involved in offering such an accommodation, especially for you.

This would entail you supplying them with a sort of protocol for detoxing their accommodation, and that they refrain from using any type of fragrance during your stay.

You could begin by looking for a "non-smoking" accommodation, taking a look at the pics to see that the accommodation is a lone one (not entailing contact with other visitors), and of course this should be self-catering, and you would be in charge of the cleaning. You could take a look at the reviews to learn what is being said of the owners : if they are extremely nice, you might have a chance that they would consider making a special effort for you, and would be sympathetic to your situation.

Theoretically they would have an incentive to do so : you could offer them a special payment for their preparation efforts, and they would gain experience that could add to their resume when trying to attract guests. As you are offering a long-term stay, they would probably benefit from this as well. If it turns out to be a success, the story could be published locally, or even internationally, in order to raise awareness to this issue, and also add some fame to the owners.

Just a thought - sort of a long-shot, but you never know....
Hello all, I have developed an allergy in the past year to regular laundry detergents, such that my face swells up and turns bright red. I have found a few places when I've traveled that have been great about washing all sheets and towels in free and clear detergent, problem solved. (I greatly sympathize with those who have much worse chemical sensitivity.) I was wondering if anyone is aware of a "running list" anywhere on the web where people can post names of hotels and other accommodations all over the world that are willing to (or already do) wash their linens in free and clear detergent, avoid feathers, etc. It seems like a great, useful idea, but I haven't been able to find anything similar. For instance, we just stayed at the Auberge Saint Antoine in Quebec City because a couple of years ago they switched over to using free and clear detergent only, for everything. But it sure took a lot of phone calls to find such a place . . . . The Hyatt chain (at least in the US) has also been very accommodating, with entire hypoallergenic rooms. I still always travel with my own pillow, pillowcase, and quick dry camping towels just in case the place doesn't do what they said they would (there's no way to double check except to call a couple of days in advance and remind them) and my face begins to feel strange . . . then I immediately switch to the stuff I brought with me.
I’m going to put a link to this in the UK forum in case someone there has info.

The New Forest is a great location and must have a lot of holiday rentals. I think you are going to have to make a lot of inquiries to find something, but I think you will find something. If someone puts “eco” in their listing, that’s a start. Look on VRBO, Airbnb, and any UK agencies for the area. Let us know what you find.

We always travel with a set of sheets. You could bring towels too. We even travel with a HEPA air filter these days.
Hello Pauline,
Thank you for providing a forum to "air" the problem of excessive so called "fresh" fragrances on holiday. First I shall provide reasons why I object to fragrances on holiday and then provide my recently tested solution for this ubiquitous problem.

I have stayed in B&Bs and cottage lets in Berkshire and Yorkshire in England and also in France and always found strongly scented laundry fragrances. I have no allergies regarding fragrances but am concerned that there is no legal requirement to declare them on packaging and thousands of man-made chemicals are used. Thus they could easily be inadequately researched for carcinogenic or neurotoxic properties. Endless ads for recently developed laundry scent boosters and air-fresheners in brands such as Lenor and Febreeze are making the problem much worse. Many respondents on this forum are made physically ill by scents which does not bode well for their safety.

Now to address the problem to obtain a healthy, fragrance free holiday anywhere in the world. First take your own bedding because scent-soaked duvets are unlikely to air sufficiently while you are on holiday. Pack bedding into shoulder bags in the car or as my sister does in on a train in a roll-along suitcase plus shoulder bags. If you don't want to, or can't travel with bedding, there are on-line courier firms that will transport holiday luggage to and from your front door to your holiday destination anywhere in the world for only a small fraction of your total holiday cost. If you have booked a holiday let, make sure there is an extra bedroom to stow the unwanted bedding or spare scent-soaked mattresses. Put as many as you can in black bin liners that you bring along and shut the door. The same applies to all air fresheners and scented cleaning products supplied by the vendor. If you have booked a hotel room, ask the chambermaid to remove the bedding. Invent any reason for this request.

The scent soaked and possibly memory foam mattress will rapidly introduce fragrance back into your own bedding so you have to block it. Placing plastic over the mattress will not work because fragrances easily pass through leaving you back at square one after a day. Here is my unique tip to create a cheap, effective mattress cover. Slip a piece of aluminum foil equal to the interior width of a supermarket carrier bag. Ten Tesco carrier bags with a single sheet of Tesco strong foil in each will create 5 by 2 rectangle that will cover the top surface of a single mattress. A rectangle of 15 bags to make a 3 by 5 rectangle will cover the sides as well. Cut off the plastic bag handles and tape the carrier bags together with a little overlap to ensure a complete aluminum barrier. Use small tape strips to position the bags first, then long strips for all the sides. Then tape some string at both ends of the bag rectangle and tie the string around the mattress to hold the cover in place. You might think the polythene/aluminum sandwich would provide a crinkly noise all night - but it doesn't. I just folded a woolen blanket double over the mattress cover and didn't even tuck it in. I then placed my under sheet on top. The cover works like a dream. No crinkly sleep disturbances, no rucks and no fragrance. I spent a couple of hours making one on holiday but you could make one beforehand. Then just leave the all windows open for 24 hours or more to remove the fragrance that has spread from the bedrooms to the other rooms. Once your bed is made and the place is aired you will have a pleasant holiday. Take scent-free washing liquids or powders with you and use the borax and vinegar ideas posted on this forum to get the fragrance out of the washing machine before doing a laundry.
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