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France - BOOKS by French Authors (or set in France)

I'm lukewarm about the Hugo Marston series. I want a series to get better as I get to know the characters, but that one seems to be a little flat. Have you tried the Fred Vargas series? They are a little--well, maybe more than a little--odd, but I find them fascinating. Another series I really like is the Vernaque and Bonnet series by M.L. Longworth set in Aix. This one also has an interesting relationship between the two main characters, although they aren't married.
Here's a second for the Fred Vargas books!

I agree that it's nice to sink into the families of Gamache and Brunetti... and just started the series over with Louise Penny's first
book (Still Life)... have forgotten enough that I can enjoy the Three Pines setting w/0 knowing quite what comes next, although all the characters are familiar, of course.

Thanks to Roz, I've just downloaded the Red Notebook, still 99 cents.

Has anyone read the Daniel Jacquot series by Martin O'Brien? Jacquot is a cop in Marseilles, but gets out into Provencal countryside sometimes... it's been a while since I tried the first couple, and can't find them in the library, so am trying to decide if I am interested enough to buy on Kindle... I know, sounds lukewarm, but it's been a while so thought I'd ask here...?
Thanks for mentioning the Jacquot series, Karen. I wasn't aware of it, but I see it's available on Kindle Unlimited, so I just downloaded the first one to try it. If you haven't tried Kindle Unlimited, I think you can get a month's free trial if you want to check it out. A lot of the books available there are pure junk, but there are enough of interest that it's been worthwhile for me. Frederique Molay is another French detective-story author available on KU, and a couple of the Winemaker Detective series, which are fun.
Roz, I have only read one Donna Leon, many years ago. I should revisit that series. And thank you for the tip about "Red Notebook".
I did try Vargas and really liked "The Chalk Circle Man", but "Seeking Whom He May Devour" was just a little too strange for me so I went no further. Maybe I need to revisit that series too.

Over the past year I have been getting e-books from Los Angeles City Library, (you must appear in person with ID to get the library card that allows this) and just about everything I've wanted has been available, sometimes with a short wait.
The download goes through Amazon, but no cost involved. I love it.

I'm going to check for Jacquot and Frederique Molay right now. Thanks.
Both my husband (not a big reader ) and I have read a couple of the Jacquot series from the library and enjoyed them . He is a policeman and former French rugby player. As Australians, we can relate to rugby. US members may not know much about rugby union which for followers is known as the game played in heaven. I, however, do not pay a lot for books for my kindle so these are beyond my budget. But we have enjoyed what we have read and , from memory, it is better if they are read in order.
OK, thanks for reviews... I'll get back to the Jacquot series, and now that Roz mentions it, I did start the Frederique Molay series, but think my KU free trial had run out before I got to the second book. And then, of course, I lost track.
Thanks to Amazon, I was reminded that I had bought the first book over a year ago.

I do love the library, but have a couple of trips coming up, so I like to stock up on things that won't expire.
So, more to read... thanks, all!
I'm on a mailing list from Le French Book -- these are mostly mysteries and thrillers translated from the original French. I just got an offer from them for some free books that you can get for Kindle, or also in pdf. The freebies are good until June 30. See if this link works for you if you want to check it out: Free Book Promo. One of them (Backstabbing in Beaujolais) is from the Winemaker Detective series, which is also a French TV series. Our library has a lot of those DVDs, and they're kind of fun -- mostly for the gorgeous French scenery. But the books are entertaining light reads.

I should say that not all the books on that link are from France. Most of them I never heard of, and can't vouch for at all.

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