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Getting Sick After a Trip


Forums Admin
After our last Europe trip, to Switzerland last September, I posted a thread called "Restless After a Trip". After our lovely two weeks in Puglia and Basilicata, my thread is about getting sick after a trip.

I had those weird bug/spider bites to deal with during the first week of the trip. My eye was swollen and my head hurt. My eye recovered, more or less, after a few days and it did not ruin our trip. A few times Steve had to drive when it was my turn because my eye was watery or itchy. TMI, I know.

Driving home from Gatwick after this trip I had a sore throat and could feel the cold starting. I am still blowing my nose and tired, and now Steve is getting the cold. I think it is a combination of things - the let down of the adrenaline on the trip, you are eating and sleeping differently, being with all those people on the plane and in the airport.

I am happy that I got this cold AFTER the trip and not before or during. Only once in my travel life have I ever canceled a trip because I was sick - and that was my only free "press" trip (to Lazio)!!

I am also adjusting back to the English weather. We are having lovely sunny days, but temps in Ostuni were in the low 70s and in Basilicata in the 60s - here it is in the 50s.
Hope you feel better soon. And if your eye hasn't cleared up, you really should see someone (if you can, he he). Eyes are important!

I've got a bit of a sore throat and cough 12 days before I leave that feels like it might be a cold brewing. I hope it's just springtime, but if it's a cold, I wish it would hurry up and get here and get it over with!
12 days before is a good time to get sick! But I hope you have a quick cold because you need to be well for organizing and packing.

I just read an Amy Tan article about Lyme Disease that someone linked to on Facebook (here is an article on her website)!! But my symptoms seem more like a spider bite. I will see someone next week if it hasn't cleared up (it is almost gone).
I haven't been sick in 3 years until 4 days after the flight to Nassau in Feb. Close to others---3 seats in a row, air on plane,tired from the time to get there traveling seem to be factors for me. I use the sanitizer on the tray table and arm rests and watch what I eat but it didn't help. I have actually gone into the toilet and found the coffee package--to be brewed sitting unwrapped on the sink. Steward/ess left it there and forgot about it. I put it in garbage. yuck.

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