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Guess this photo - February 2018

Durham Cathedral, which is truly magnificent. Saw it in 1990, during our first trip to the UK.
It is Durham Cathedral Ann, now can you explain the significance of the milkmaids and the dun cow?
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When Cuthbert died in 687 he was buried on Lindisfarne, Holy Island. The monastery became very rich from gifts bestowed by pilgrims to the shrine. The Vikings made many raids on the monastery forcing the monks to flee taking the coffin of St Cuthbert with them. The coffin was carried around the north east for over a hundred years before being buried in the newly built church at Durham.

According to the legend, the vehicle carrying the coffin came to a standstill and no-one could get it to move. After a period of fasting and meditation, St Cuthbert appeared in a vision to one of the monks saying the coffin should be taken to a place called Dunholm. The monks were now able to move the coffin, although they had no idea where Dunholm was. By chance a few days later, they heard a milkmaid asking another milkmaid if she had seen her dun cow that had wandered off. The other replied she had seen the cow roaming near Dunholm. The monks followed the milkmaids to where they found the dun cow. This place became the site for a new church for the body of St Cuthbert in AD995. The story is remembered by an C18th carving of two milkmaids and a cow on the north west corner of the Chapel of the nine Altars.
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The story is also remembered by the Dun Cow pub in Durham...

Over to you Ann.
Oh gee, I forgot all about this game. I haven't played it in years. When I did I won once and when I posted my photo it was guessed in about 15 seconds.

I don't know where this photo was taken. There's olive trees, but from the rest of the photo I don't think it's southern Italy. Can I takes 2 guesses, either Foligno or Spoleto?
Those blue shutters strongly suggest Provence, and I sort-of recognize the churches, but I don't really know those villages well enough. Goult?
Yes, indeed, Lourmarin. I thought Chris might guess it since it's one of her favorite places and she's stayed there many times. Over to you, Penn.

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