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Guess this photo - March 2017

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I was switching my answer from seaside to coal mining, but I guess it is seaside. Bronze from being in the sun?

FYI Searching google images is NOT helping.
This statue commentates a practice in England from the 18th and 19th century as an occupation, however it was still alive in the 20th century by children. Now outlawed because of the danger to children it still happens.
Well it is time to go outside and pick up branches and sticks from the ice storm we had this week, so I leave you with a picture hint

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Not cockles and mussels
Well this picture, I would think, will make it pretty easy to identify the place for most of the British members and UK travelers.


From there one should be able to find out the background of the statue and what the girls were doing.
From the article: ‘Mudlarking was a form of begging, even though we entertained the people in the mud, which was fabulous.’ ‘We did cartwheels, headstands, rolled over in it. But there were some parts of the mud that were like quicksand and a couple of times I sank up to my neck. But we were lucky, the fisherman were always there to help us.’ She adds: ‘You can see in the book that we were all hard-working children, we didn’t just mudlark to help put money on the table,’ she adds. ‘We helped park the cars that came down to The Hard; we used to chop wood and sell bundles; we would go cockling and winkling, which was quite dangerous, and sell them in pint jars. We got up to all sorts to earn a few bob, but mudlarking was the easiest, the best, and the funniest.’

I have never heard of this before! Thanks for all the hints. :)

I'm next and I will figure something out and post Sunday.

So I got to work in Portsmouth for 3 weeks a few years ago. The city is rich in Naval History, but honestly the mudlarks just fascinated me. I could watch them for hours just to see what they found.

Pauline you are up
Back in 18th and 19th century is was an occupation especially along the Thames. By the 20th century it became a way of children begging, and every now and then they would have a big find. Looking forward to your picture.
You got it @Ann . Now it is your turn!

Luca Signorelli - The Resurrection of the Flesh (c.1500)
In the Chapel of the Madonna di San Brizio in the cathedral of Orvieto (also known as the Cappella Nuova or Signorelli chapel).

Copied from Wikipedia (I think): The Resurrection of the Flesh is a study by Signorelli, exploring the possibilities of the male and female nude, while trying to recreate a three-dimensional setting. Signorelli shows his mastery in depicting the many positions of the human body. The risen, brought back to life, are crawling in an extreme effort from under the earth and are received by two angels in the sky blowing on a trumpet.

I love these frescoes!
That is a pretty scary fresco. Not sure I would want to sit under it during Mass...:facepalm:
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