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Guess this photo - March 2018

Anyone recognize this?

Just Travel
I think you may have enjoyed a cup of Kaffee in St. Gilgen Austria?
Attention to detail on this one...
I am sure most should get this one without the aide of Google

Great Job Cameron!!!!!!

No drone. It goes back to camera vs phone thread on ""What Camera do you use for Travel". I just cropped the original


Cameron being a lifelong UVA fan - I passed the baton to lady from Duke.
My favorite story about this bridge:

A couple of years ago, we met up with cousins in London for lunch.

After lunch a cousin wanted to see London bridge.
I asked her "London bridge? Do you mean Tower bridge".
"No, I want to see the London bridge."
So I answered, "Okay. I'll show you London bridge and I'll also show you the Tower bridge."
She laughed later and learned something new that day.
There is of course the apocraphal story that when a rich American bought the 'old' London Bridge in 1968 for over £2 million dollars to rebuild it in Arizona, that he thought he was buying Tower Bridge...
Husband grew up in Oxford and I spent a wonderful summer there before we were married. We explored all the colleges. You didn't have to pay to go into them either!

Where is this?
Screen shot 2018-03-22 at 21.05.02.png

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