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Happy to be here!


New Member
Hi everyone!

A few years ago, I faced the realisation and necessity of having a sustainable lifestyle for many reasons. However, I felt like I could also do my bit and start wondering how and what could be a great idea to start towards this goal.
Step by step, I quickly realised that people will probably never stop travelling, so why not inspire them to do it differently?

I had heard about Slow Travel but didn't know much about it. Since that moment, I fell in love with it, and it has brought me magical moments and adventures worldwide that I could have never done, seen, or experienced otherwise.

Today, I am a full-time blogger, still with the same vision to change the world haha. Our planet is full of surprises, and I believe that what makes a place unique is its culture and the people living there. This is why I travel, and I hope it resonates with many of you.

I mostly travel backpacking, no flight, doing everything locally, and immersing as much in the local culture.

Happy to be here and looking forward to hearing from you guys!

I will be doubly happy if you want to check my work at SlowSightSoul or on my Instagram here.

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