After Haifa, we drive east into the Galilee, to Amirim, a village near Safed. We spend a week there.
The Terrace -
We will spend our week doing some hiking, visiting Safed and exploring the area around the Sea of Galilee (also known as Lake Kinneret).
The weather is cooler in Amirim than in Haifa. For our week in Haifa, the forecast is sunny and highs of low to mid 60s F, going up to low 70s at the end of our week. Night lows are high 40s to low 50s. In Amirim it looks like at least 10F cooler. The owner said we are likely to get days in the 60s and nights down to 40. The forecast shows it going down to mid 50s some days. Some rain is forecast for that week.
It looks like we can walk some trails right from the village. The reviews for the place we rented all mention that the owner gives you good hiking information.
For driving around the Sea of Galilee we will use Israel by Foot's drive -
Around Lake Kinneret. I purchased the maps for this drive and they include several short hikes, so we can have a driving day with short hiking stops.
Other hikes (most from Israel by Foot):
Hiking in Gush Halav Stream - which is nearby, from Jish.
Nahal Amud - short version (also in
Ha'aretz article)
Mount Arbel - drive to top instead of hike?
Sea of Galilee Walking Trail - there is a long distance path around the lake. We will walk part of it, maybe from north of Tiberius.
Mount Meron - near Amirim, summit trail (from
Jerusalem Post article on Safed)
Erez, who runs the Israel by Foot site (and wrote an article on hiking for us), wrote: "From Amirim don’t miss out to make a short walk to the summit of “Mitzpe Hayamim Mountain”. It’s one of the only spots in Israel where you can see both the sea of Galilee and the Mediterranean from the same spot." He also recommended the Yehudiya Forest Nature Reserve near Amirim for hiking.
Obviously we can't do all this in a week! But we have a lot to choose from.