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Hit by Bots, hit by spammers


Forums Admin
It is a cruel world out there on the Internet. A couple of months ago we were hit by spammers who registered on the forums. They were caught before they were able to post - so that is good. I still get several per day but at the high point it was 20 - 30 per day.

The last couple of days the forums have been slow or down. I worked with our webhost to figure out the problem and they said I need to up my security to disallow several bots. Some bots are good - like google who scans your website for content that will come up in searches. But I guess some are bad and they slow things down. I have taken care of this now but need to look into this a bit more. The bots I disallowed are Bytespider, Bytedance and petalbot (in case anyone here knows more about this).

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