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If you could only return to one place in the world, where would you go?


10+ Posts
I've asked myself and others this question. My answer is INDIA. We spent 3 and 1/2 weeks in India in 1983, traveling on trains and staying with friends of friends. It's the most diverse country we have ever experienced! Food, languages, dress, religions, topography--it's a whole wonderful world all in one country. We worked and lived in Tanzania in the 1970s and we love East Africa. I also spent 4 weeks in South Africa, and twice visited Zimbabwe. We love Africa!
But for one last visit abroad, I'd choose India.
I hope I'll always be able to return to Provence and spend a few months a year there... I think I'd be heartsick if I didn't have Provence in my life.

But the other place I really want to return is Melbourne, Australia, where I lived for almost four years as a girl. I've never been back. I'm starting to make a plan and hope my daughter will be able to join me. (My husband says it's too far of a flight for him.)
Hi Charity
So tough, as we've returned to many places we've liked, but also love trying somewhere different. Ghemme was discussed recently, so I guess that is the obvious if slightly humdrum one. After that, I suppose Cornwall is somewhere we've talked about but it's a logistical nightmare to get there from Norwich, the best option being to leave the car at home, fly from Norwich to Exeter or Bristol (if the flights are still going) and hire a car from there.

Hi Kathy
I do like Melbourne as a city, once having a holiday split evenly between Sydney and Melbourne to compare / contrast. Whilst Sydney has more there, and certainly the major sights, Melbourne has much more charm (IMO) and is a place very easy to settle into. Having a bit more retained history helps, as does the wonderful *botanical gardens (Sydney's by comparison is quite embarrassingly poor).

* which brings us back to Charity's original question. I wish to change my answer. The place is the botanical gardens in Melbourne!
@Ian Sutton We lived about five minutes from an entrance into the Botanical Gardens, at the Yarra River and Anderson Street. As young children (in another time), we were allowed to go there on our own. We lived in Melbourne from when I was 8 until almost 13 and went to an all-girls school on that same street. I have wonderful memories of those gardens and it is definitely on my list of a place I want to spend time.
We lived 5 minutes walk to Melbourne Botanic Gardens in the 1990’s. I loved sitting near the lake reading a book. We now live 1.30 hours from there and I still love going back.
I am returning to Paris and then Venice next year. Four weeks planned for Venice so that is where I would say I really want to return to.
I hope I'll always be able to return to Provence and spend a few months a year there... I think I'd be heartsick if I didn't have Provence in my life.

But the other place I really want to return is Melbourne, Australia, where I lived for almost four years as a girl. I've never been back. I'm starting to make a plan and hope my daughter will be able to join me. (My husband says it's too far of a flight for him.)
I'm in Melbourne now. Will be posting pics on FB.
Haven't decided the 1 place. Love Provence and English countryside and Italy ..
@Ian Sutton We lived about five minutes from an entrance into the Botanical Gardens, at the Yarra River and Anderson Street. As young children (in another time), we were allowed to go there on our own. We lived in Melbourne from when I was 8 until almost 13 and went to an all-girls school on that same street. I have wonderful memories of those gardens and it is definitely on my list of a place I want to spend time.
Was just there yesterday. Very beautiful but I wouldn't put down the Sydney gardens.
"One place" is rather difficult to define, particularly when the first answer is "India". - I don't suppose I could have Europe? - Thought not.

If I can have a whole country, then that's easy - Italy. Only one region - Campania or Sicily. Only one city - Siena.
In my younger years, my work took me to the Azores. It was always for a day or two, and I took advantage of every minute. Unfortunately, it was always without my wife. She was home with our small children and never got a chance to see this oasis in the middle of the ocean. So, if I could return anywhere, it would be to the Azores with my sweetie.

The feeling one gets as they walk along the sea wall knowing they are literally 1000s of miles from anywhere has been unmatched in my life. The people of the Azores were so friendly, and with characters like Fast Eddy, who sold table clothes and other island crafts, or George the Crook a bar owner who served café and brandy to the returning fisherman at 8 o’clock in the morning there was also something to experience. 1984 was my last visit, and I often wonder what it the islands have become today.
i think some of you are younger than Bill and I are. We can't physically travel around the world anymore--age/bodily challenges. I know I won't get back to India. BUT if I were able to travel abroad ONE MORE TIME (choose more carefully, now), I'd like to visit wondrous India, again.
Perhaps Burgundy which is one of our favourite regions in France. But really, anywhere in France would suit me. We always seem to keep coming back.
I'm surprised that i can't answer the question. Some time ago the answer was easy;Paris. No longer. We loved Amalfi, but only @ The Santa Caterina.
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