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Article Industrial Croissants


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The Telegraph (UK) - French baker's crusade to save the 'genuine' croissant strikes national chord, by Henry Samuel, Oct 2017
“A baker from Nice has launched a crusade to save France's "genuine" croissant from extinction amid claims that 85 per cent of the famous Gallic pastries bought in boulangeries are now "industrial".“

Those lovely small bakeries have far too many pastries to be making them all themselves.
I googled the article, and here is the link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/201...sade-save-genuine-croissant-strikes-national/

I don't know if there are any controls on the use of the "artisan" label on French bakeries. Does anyone?
You cannot called yourself a boulangerie unless you make your bread from scratch on the premises. Buying in dough and baking it doesn't count. But as the guy in the article says, that doesn't stop you from selling other items that you didn't bake. Artisan isn't a label in France -- it's what you call yourself if you are a craft person, including builders, plumbers and electricians, as well as bakers.

The croissants in our area of France are uniformly rubbish and I never buy them, but then we are in the olive oil half of France!
Thanks for the information, Veronica? I thought "artisan" meant that you made everything on the premises, but obviously that's not the case. So in practice, any boulangerie can call itself "artisan"?
No, only ones where bread is produced from scratch on the premises. Some places buy in dough and bake it, and they can't claim to be boulangers. Of course, some bakers make their own croissants etc. too. Making them properly is expensive and time-consuming, so I can understand why some don't bother! Especially as for most people croissants are an occasional treat, not something you would eat every day.

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