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Last minute trip to Italy... where to go?

Finalized itinerary ... at least as of today!

Fly in to Venice airport and then take the train to Udine
*5 nights in Udine
-day trip to Trieste and maybe other places in the area or even 2 day trips to Trieste?
*4 nights in Treviso
-day trip to Conegliano and maybe other places nearby?
*6 nights in Modena
- day trip to Empoli to visit friends and possibly other day trips?
*2 nights on Lake Iseo in the town of Iseo
*1 night staying with friends in Coccaglio
*last night in Venice

Thanks again everyone for all of your suggestions!
I can't figure out how to do the quote thing yet... ArtnBarb, I tried to visit Volterra a couple of times while in either Lucca or Siena and remember it as being a very complicated place to get to without a car. Luckily, friends from Empoli took me there. It was only for a very quick visit, but it certainly seemed like a lovely place to spend more time in.

Hi Jan! I'm doing it! :) I have ended up changing my flights after realizing it is just as easy to fly in/out of Venice as it is Rome and Milan.

My itinerary is pretty much set now...

Fly in to Venice airport and then take the train to Udine
*4 or 5 nights in Udine (need to still book my plane tickets after figuring this out)
-day trip to Trieste and maybe other places in the area or even 2 day trips to Trieste?
*4 nights in Treviso (with great B&B suggestion from Mary P. - thanks!)
-day trip to Conegliano and maybe other places nearby?
*6 nights in Modena (Jan, found your blog post with hotel you stayed in Modena there and booked it!)
- day trip to Empoli - Yes, long! but need to visit friends there, and possibly other day trips? I have spent a lot of time in this region and look forward to a new base in Modena for the first time.
*3 nights in Iseo (Lake Iseo) - visiting with friends who live nearby in Coccaglio, meeting their new little twins!
*last night in either Venice Mestre or Venice near Piazzale Roma

Thank you again, everyone, for your suggestions! I realize my trip took a huge turn from the original plan, but I feel really good about my final itinerary. I just need to figure out if I should stay 4 or 5 nights in Udine, a hotel/B&B or apartment in Udine, and a hotel for my last night either in Venice Mestre or Venice near Piazzale Roma. Any suggestions would be welcome!

sounds great! I'm thinking of Udine in May 2018....Conegliano is wonderful, also Treviso! Went there on part of my Prosecco tour with http://www.bluone.com (now a part of SlowTravTours) :)

Lucky you!
sounds great! I'm thinking of Udine in May 2018....Conegliano is wonderful, also Treviso! Went there on part of my Prosecco tour with http://www.bluone.com (now a part of SlowTravTours) :)

Lucky you!

That tour sounds wonderful (as do all of their tours!). I am excited to visit a new region of Italy. Are you thinking of visiting Udine on your own or on their tour next year? Their Puglia tour tempts me. One day...

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