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Looking for Photo Hunt Theme Ideas

Kathy (Trekcapri)

100+ Posts
Hi everyone, in Pauline's thread about ideas for the forums, I had remembered a fun photo hunt that the moderators ran on the SlowTalk Forums. I suggested that would be fun to do and so Pauline asked me to start it here on Slow Europe by posting each week's theme for us.

For those who have limited travel photos, this doesn't have to be limited to photos you take while traveling. A group of us belong to a Walk 1000 Miles group here on Slow Europe and we like to post photos of our walks.

I'll choose one of my themes and we can start this Sunday(Week of March 5-11, 2017). I think it would be wonderful to have some ideas from everyone. If you have any ideas that would make a fun photo hunt theme and would like to share them, can you post them here.

Here's a few points:
  • There is no deadline to post your ideas. If along the way you think of an idea for a theme, please continue to share your idea at any time. I'll check back here for each week's new Photo Hunt theme.
  • A good point was raised about removing geo tagging on your photos. While Pauline checks with the software on that, I found this good article on how you can remove the personal/gps information from a copy of your photo. It's a good habit to have when posting any photos on the internet and social media, especially if they are taken near your home.
  • Instructions on How to Put Photos In Your Post - There are three ways to put your photohunt photos into your post and Pauline has great instructions for it. I'm still learning how to do it, but I really like adding them using the Media feature. I plan on creating a PhotoHunt Album and upload my photos there (hopefully remembering the give it a tag) and then insert my weekly photos into my post. This How To - Use the Photo Galleries Instructions is also very informative.
  • Include some basic information so we can have an understanding of the context of your photo, learn a bit more about where the photo of taken and the significance. You don't have to write a lot, just a couple of sentences. But if you want to give us more, that's cool too.
  1. Where was it taken (city/country)
  2. If something is happing in the photo, give us a little background. Ex. Fiesta Almudena is Madrid Spain and locals gather to place flowers or this is the weekly market day in Brugge, Belgium
  3. Any interesting cultural, historical, environmental, architecture information
  4. Any fun, unique, quirky story behind it you'd like to share.
  5. Miscellaneous-Other thoughts
Thanks everyone. I'm looking forward to being inspired by everyone's photos.

I'll start by sharing a few of my initial ideas:
- Market
- Red (My favorite color. We can several colors)
- Round (we can do all kinds of shapes)
- Animal (we can also be more specific, horse, cow, cat, dog, etc.)
- Snow
- Hat(s)
- Mist
- Music
- Glass
- Dance
- Tall
- Miniature
Hi Susan, these are great ideas! Thanks so much. If you think of any more, please share. I liked your ideas about the alphabet too. We can say this week's them, post a photo with something starting with the letter "G". We could get gelato, I could post a photo from Granada, Spain. That'll be fun too.

I didn't know about the "geo tagging" in photos....no wonder I have so many stray cats at my house...they see what a fabulous human I am and how I spoil Tate, :D

Thank you!! This will be fun fun fun!!
I found my list of prompts from when I started the Photohunts on SlowTrav. Hope it might be helpful.





6-Senior Moments




10- Night


12- Beginnings





17- window




















1 tradition

2 stone


4 red

5 warmth


7 animals

8 Senior Moments

9 Motion











I found my list of prompts from when I started the Photohunts on SlowTrav. Hope it might be helpful.


Hi Amy, wow these are all so good. I had fun with the PhotoHunts you and the other moderators did on Slow Trav. I think it'll be fun here too. I love seeing the world through others perspectives. And the bonus, we might get some travel ideas from them while we're having fun and creatively expressing ourselves.
I'll create a Photo Hunt 2017 category on the Media Gallery in case people want to put their photos there first and then insert from there, using that camera icon above the text box, into a post.

New category for Media Gallery - Photo Hunt 2017.

Great, thanks Pauline for creating the new Photo Hunt Category. I just successfully added my Camino Photos using the add media process and it was very easy and so organized . Susan and Amy gave us some wonderful ideas and I actually thought of a few more which I'll add to the list. I already have the first theme (was on both their lists) ready to post on Sunday (or maybe I'll post it Saturday night). Can't wait to see everyone's photos.
Cool! Can you possibly post a list of the next few coming up? Maybe here? That way we will have more time to find photos we have taken that fit each theme. Thanks!

Hi Susan, great idea. And because old working habits kicked in, I created an excel spreadsheet so I can keep track of the themes already chosen. (See Attached PDF File) I'll continue to add any additional themes to the list if anyone recommends any and upload this file as we go along. Maybe if it's a popular theme we can go round two. :) Currently, we have 77 themes on my list.

Photo Hunt Themes for next 4 Weeks: Happy Hunting and get ready to post starting Saturday night/Sunday morning. Looking forward to seeing everyone's photos.

Photo Hunt No. 1 - Happy (theme by Susan(Girasoli) /Amy)
Week of March 5, 2017

Photo Hunt No. 2 - Dance/Dancing (theme by Kathy (Trekcapri)
Week of March 12, 2017

Photo Hunt No. 3 - Old (Theme by Susan (Girasoli)/Amy)
Week of March 19, 2017

Photo Hunt No. 4 - Quiet (Theme by Susan (Girasoli)
Week of March 26, 2017


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regarding the "signs" category: You could actually do two different things "Guess what this means" if there are enough graphic signs and a "mis-interpreted English" sign (or something like that), where the English translation is comical.

Has "airport" been used? Maybe transportation, money, street art (could be divided into: graffiti, street performers, etc), color, chaos, "guessing game" (the item is usually old or obscure and served a real purpose but is now obsolete)...just thinking out loud...
regarding the "signs" category: You could actually do two different things "Guess what this means" if there are enough graphic signs and a "mis-interpreted English" sign (or something like that), where the English translation is comical.

Has "airport" been used? Maybe transportation, money, street art (could be divided into: graffiti, street performers, etc), color, chaos, "guessing game" (the item is usually old or obscure and served a real purpose but is now obsolete)...just thinking out loud...

Thanks for these wonderful recommendations. I love all great ideas.

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