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Naples ??

Thanks, ellen and Ian.
I went ahead a reserved a car from the airport on AutoEurope. I like the idea of stopping somewhere along the route for lunch and a look around. But, that train looks good too. Our trip is not until April so I have plenty of time to mull it over.
Jan, we picked up our rental car from the Naples airport too, and had no problem getting out to the autostrade. There's a taxi stand on the north side of Piazza Dante, by the way, only a few minutes walk from the apt. We just walked up and grabbed a taxi from there.
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If you're staying near Piazza Dante there's a fixed fare to the airport of €18. This is all inclusive and you have to tell the driver you want it before the trip begins/before he engages the meter. I find the drivers have sometimes put on a show about this but the fares went up a couple of weeks ago so maybe they'll be more agreeable about it.

You can see the new fare chart on the city's web site here: http://www.comune.napoli.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/1193

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