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Ongoing Quiz

ding ding ding

Bologna, Oxford, Cambridge, and Salamanca is correct
Updated questions, Tim's coming back later with some new ones.
TBC (TimW)
TBC (TimW)
TBC (TimW)
Two coaching inns / pubs in Stony Stratford near Milton Keynes (England) developed a reputation for travellers telling outlandish stories. What were the names of the two pubs? (Ian S)
TBC (Tim W)

FWIW I've eaten in one of the two pubs, not sure the other one is still there. The answer does not need to be precise.
The Appian way linked Rome to which city? (TimW)

What pilgrim path starts in Canterbury and travels via France and Switzerland to Rome (TimW)

Where is the tomb of King Canute (also spelled Knut or Cnut)? (TimW)

Where was the bloodiest battle on British soil fought in 1461 (TimW)

Two coaching inns / pubs in Stony Stratford near Milton Keynes (England) developed a reputation for travellers telling outlandish stories. What were the names of the two pubs? (Ian S)
Where was the bloodiest battle on British soil fought in 1461 (TimW)

During the War of the Roses in Towton
Something like 25,000 Died
Correct Colo - For a battle with so many dead, that gave England a new king, it is surprising that so few in the UK have ever heard of it.
The questions stand now at:

The Appian way linked Rome to which city? (TimW)

What pilgrim path starts in Canterbury and travels via France and Switzerland to Rome (TimW)

Where is the tomb of King Canute (also spelled Knut or Cnut)? (TimW)

What common name ties these synonyms together - Plant du Lot, Agreste, Magret, Auxerrois, Beran, Côt, or Pressac? (TomB)

Two coaching inns / pubs in Stony Stratford near Milton Keynes (England) developed a reputation for travellers telling outlandish stories. What were the names of the two pubs? (Ian S)
Is the new question Malbec? - Cot and Auxerrois are names I recognise.
That did not take long :)
Another back to you Ian
Bravo that you came up with 5 synonyms I didn't recognise, despite being quite a fan of the wines of Cahors.

I've added (hopefully) another easy one to guess. I've no problem with people using google maps for the last question to see what pubs are in Stony Stratford. It should give a clue without proper cheating:).

The questions stand now at:

The Appian way linked Rome to which city? (TimW)

What pilgrim path starts in Canterbury and travels via France and Switzerland to Rome (TimW)

Where is the tomb of King Canute (also spelled Knut or Cnut)? (TimW)

Prince Charles will break what record if/when he takes the throne? (Ian S)

Two coaching inns / pubs in Stony Stratford near Milton Keynes (England) developed a reputation for travellers telling outlandish stories. What were the names of the two pubs? (Ian S)
Prince Charles will break what record if/when he takes the throne? (Ian S)

I am guessing the obvious
He will be the oldest person to become the monarch of the UK.
Is monarch suppose to be capitalized?
You are correct Colo.
I believe monarchs are capitated since Charles I ;)
By way of a clue on the Stony Stratford question, here is a google maps search of pubs in the village, with just one of the two in the question remaining
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I believe monarchs are capitated since Charles I ;)

The questions are now:

The Appian way linked Rome to which city? (TimW)

What pilgrim path starts in Canterbury and travels via France and Switzerland to Rome (TimW)

Where is the tomb of King Canute (also spelled Knut or Cnut)? (TimW)

Two coaching inns / pubs in Stony Stratford near Milton Keynes (England) developed a reputation for travellers telling outlandish stories. What were the names of the two pubs? (Ian S)

While on tour with a band in 1971, this musician bought a book in the Richmond, Virginia airport which inspired him to create an instrumental masterpiece. The record was his first solo album, and musically described each of Henry the VIII’s six wives. Can you name the musician? (Colo)

The Appian way linked Rome to Brindisi. This column marks the end of the road!
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Based on Ian's map, and the phrase "A Cock and Bull story", I presume that the two inns were the Cock and the Bull?

Kat B - correct about Brindisi.
The questions are now:

What pilgrim path starts in Canterbury and travels via France and Switzerland to Rome (TimW)

Where is the tomb of King Canute (also spelled Knut or Cnut)? (TimW)

Two coaching inns / pubs in Stony Stratford near Milton Keynes (England) developed a reputation for travellers telling outlandish stories. What were the names of the two pubs? (Ian S)

While on tour with a band in 1971, this musician bought a book in the Richmond, Virginia airport which inspired him to create an instrumental masterpiece. The record was his first solo album, and musically described each of Henry the VIII’s six wives. Can you name the musician? (Colo)

Where is the tomb of "Santa Claus"? Hint: it's not at the North Pole ... or in Ireland! (KattB)
Correct Tim. For those that haven't heard of this, a 'Cock and Bull story' is one that is far fetched, made-up / exaggerated for effect. The legend is that the coachmen staying at these two coaching inns on the way up from London, would tell increasing 'tall tales', such that anything said there probably ought not to be believed.
I've a faint recollection that the musical question is prog-rock keyboard player Rick Wakeman.
Where is the tomb of "Santa Claus"? Hint: it's not at the North Pole ... or in Ireland! (KattB)
The "correct" answer is probably Bari but it is slightly complicated in that half of St Nicholas's bones are in Venice, and his original burial spot is in Demre, Turkey. (I was in Bari last year, and read up on the subject)

What pilgrim path starts in Canterbury and travels via France and Switzerland to Rome (TimW)

Where is the tomb of King Canute (also spelled Knut or Cnut)? (TimW)

While on tour with a band in 1971, this musician bought a book in the Richmond, Virginia airport which inspired him to create an instrumental masterpiece. The record was his first solo album, and musically described each of Henry the VIII’s six wives. Can you name the musician? (Colo)

What now famous home of Thomas Wolsey was seized by King Henry VIII (TimW)

Where would you find the Coronation spoon, The Cullinan diamond and St Edward's crown? (TimW)


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