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Our favorite travel quotes

Hi Pauline
:oops: It's a Scioglilingua (tongue-twister) that was a throwaway piece at the end of the 1st chapter of my first language course (Italianissimo). Being the 1st chapter, it stuck in my brain. The translation is something like: Thirty-three people from Trentino, entered into Trento, all thirty three at the trot.

As well as being a fair challenge to say quickly, it proved really useful in getting me practice rolling my Rs (I'm not Scottish, so it doesn't come naturally).

I have so many favorite travel quotes. Here are the three most favorite ones:

"I am not the same having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world." ~ Mary Anne Radmacher

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do." ~ Mark Twain

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."~ Maya Angelou

This beautiful sunset (my photo does not do it justice) on Montserrat Mountain was one such moment that took my breath away. Many thanks to Shannon & Chris advice and recommendation to spend the night rather than visiting only as a day trip from Barcelona. Has to be one of the most beautiful sunrises I've ever seen in my life.

I have two. The first is from TS Eliot's "Little Gidding", and is about far more portentous things than taking trips, but it's not irrelevant:
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

But the second, from Daisy Ashford's "The Young Visiters" (written when she was seven) seems not irrelevant to a lot of the concerns one hears on travel messageboards:

Outside they found a lovely cariage lined with olive green cushons to match the footman and the horses had green bridles and bows on their manes and tails. They got gingerly in. Will he bring our luggage asked Ethel nervously.

I expect so said Mr Salteena lighting a very long cigar.

Do we tip him asked Ethel quietly.

Well no I dont think so not yet we had better just thank him perlitely.
"Why SHOULDN'T we go back to Piemonte? It has everything we love!"

My wife, when I asked her last year if she's sure she wants to go back to the same place for the third time. And it's the quote I use when people ask me the same question...
"Why SHOULDN'T we go back to Piemonte? It has everything we love!"

My wife, when I asked her last year if she's sure she wants to go back to the same place for the third time. And it's the quote I use when people ask me the same question...
As I can't add two likes, I'll add a 'like' in a reply :)

It's about 10 for us now, including one trip of the best part of 4 weeks taking in Aosta and Piemonte with our own car (no Torino that trip, except to pick a friend up from the Airport which was a cool experience). We're still conscious there is so much we've not explored, especially the huge expanse north from Cuneo to Aosta, with just a day trip to a mushroom festival within all that expanse. We ought to head north of Ghemme/Gattinara as well, plus explore nearer the border with Liguria... and we've still yet to go on the wonder train from Cuneo to Ventimiglia, ...

Just planning a little shopping trip to Torino at the moment!
Thanks Ian! Nice to know that we are not alone in our "addiction" :D . You're right - no end to the exploration of this wonderful piece of the planet, and apparently impossible to overdose. Have a great trip.

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