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Photo Hunt 2018 No. 13 - Fountain(s)

Kathy (Trekcapri)

100+ Posts
This week’s Photo Hunt No. 13 (Week of April 1, 2018) – Fountain(s)

A Photo Hunt 2018 category is available on the Media Gallery.

Whether we find them in a café/restaurant, a church, a museum, a grand palace or when they are a work in progress, paintings are such a lovely art form and an important part of our history and culture.

Upcoming Photo Hunt Themes:
Photo Hunt No. 14 (Week of April 8, 2018) – Famous Places
Photo Hunt No. 15 (Week of April 15, 2018) – Beautiful Light
Photo Hunt No. 16 (Week of April 22, 2018) - On the Road
Photo Hunt No. 17 (Week of April 29, 2018) – Wine
Photo Hunt No. 18 (Week of May 6, 2018) – At Night
Photo Hunt No. 19 (Week of May 13, 2018) - Jewelry

The Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy is by far my most favorite fountain. I make a point to visit it on each visit to Rome (no matter how short my stay is). And each time I visit it, I always throw the traditional coin over my left shoulder to ensure that I return to see it again and again.

Piazza de Ferrari, Genoa.
I didn't throw a coin in there because I suspect that the guys from Banca Carige come and collect them when no one's looking....;)

Across the world there are some beautiful fountains that are works of the masters. However, for me the one thing that is missing from those works of art are the children. Here are few of my favorites. The all have one thing in common children having fun!

Savannah Georgia is a beautiful city with lovely fountains, but the sprinkler fountain downtown attracts the youth escaping the warm evenings.


Charleston built a beautiful park which opened in 1990 following Hurricane Hugo. The pineapple is the symbol for hospitality and Charleston’s Pineapple Fountain welcomes all to cool off after exploring the city.


Albeit it is the sprinkler fountain in Charleston’s Waterfront Park is the big draw for the children.


Then there is this young gentleman in Überlingen, Germany who played so hard he needed to take a quick siesta.

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These are the sea horse and emperor fountains at Chatsworth house.
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The emperor fountain was constructed for the sixth Duke in anticipation of a visit from the Tsar. A conduit was dug across the moorland above Chatsworth to drain into a newly constructed reservoir which had a sufficient head of water to project a fountain nearly 300’ into the air. Unfortunately the Tsar never came. At the turn of the C20th three turbines using the pressure of the water supply to the Emperor Fountain provided electricity to the house. They still generate about a third of the electricity needed.
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