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Photo management programs


10+ Posts
In the past, I used Picasa to manipulate my photos, e.g. crop, adjust light, print. Now that Picasa closed, what photo management program do you use?
Picasa closed! What is it with Google? They start things, promote them, wait a bit, and then close them. Picasa is what I recommend to everyone.

I use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom, but I pay $10/month to use them and Photoshop is more powerful than I need. But I love Lightroom for organizing.

Windows 10 comes with a photo app that lets you do basic editing and organizing. Macs also have basic photo editing that comes with them. I found this article on PC Magazine about Windows 10 photo app.
If you upload your photos to Google's website, you do get some minimal editing tools there. I actually like Google Photos, as a good way to back up all my pictures free. Your photos can stay private unless you choose to share them.

The old Picasa app still seems to work on my Mac, although Google has moved all the photos previously stored online with Picasa to Google Photos.

For editing I generally use an old version of Photoshop Elements (sort of the light version of Photoshop), which works fine for my needs, and I don't have to pay a subscription fee. I hate the trend of making you pay by the month to use an application.
Charity, I will answer here the next question, Rob and I have gone full Apple/i products and we find their editing just fine for us. As in, highlighting, cropping, squaring... But, we back up our images on to our desktop/laptop, and as I wrote to you, I keep my memory cards like I would negative. I do not erase, but keep each MC. Rob backs-up and clears his cards. W

PS. Oh, and there is always the Cloud
Picasa is not exactly "closed". If you have it on your computer, you can still use it for free editing - it's just that Google has stopped developing it. But all the functions work fine, I still use it sometimes.

Another option is Flickr, Yahoo's photo storage service. If you click on any of your photos, you get a row of icons that appear at lower right - one of them is an editing option (the one with the pen icon), done with "Aviary", a photo-editing software, which is very easy to use. I use Flickr to store my pics (for free), and am generally pleased with it.
There is also Dropbox for storage and sharing. We have it on our computers, but gave not grasped it yet. I am not sure there is an editing capability function on Dropbox.
Dropbox is free cloud storage. I use it if I want to send a lot of files to so,done. Instead of attaching to an email I put the in Dropbox and share them with the person.
Pauline, do you find it an easy tool? Do you put all your images into Dropbox? Should we really be using it? Just wondering.

As I said, we have DB set up, but haven't utilized it as both Rob and I are a bit scared. Why, I am not sure, it just seems....
I only use Dropbox to hold documents that I want someone else to download. I don't put anything else on there. But I know people who love it and use it for other things. (I don't trust it because it is free.)

If you are all Apple now, use iCloud to store your photos. You can pay a small amount per month for a lot of storage. I keep all my phone photos on there.

For my "real" photos I keep them on an external drive hooked up to my computer. I have Amazon Prime and they give you unlimited storage for photos (yes!) so I copied all my photos up there and put the new ones up each year. But I don't access them from there.

I use a PC and have MS OneDrive with tons of storage. That links with your computer so the files look like they are on your computer, but they are in the cloud. I can then get at them from my iPad. I keep my favorite photos there so I can access them from my iPad or iPhone.
Wow! A lot of suggestions. I had service work down on my laptop several months ago--a new hard drive was installed. Subsequently, I lost the ability to access Picasa, I lost the free Windows 10 (because the repairman said I would have to pay for a new subscription, so he arbitrarily installed Windows 8), and I have stumbled around trying to find some other stuff. I also have trouble with Adobe Shockwave Flash crashing frequently--very, very frustrating! I'm beginning to hate my computer.
My pictures are in files on my Windows 8, but I can't really manage them conveniently like I did with Picasa.
Pauline, thanks for the link to PCmag. There were several articles in there that were helpful in thinking about a photo management program. I think I will upgrade to Windows 10, again, and try their photos program. PCmag reviewer said it was a reasonably decent photo program.
I recommend Pauline's link to others who want more info on the topic of photo management programs.
Other alternatives you might consider are XNview MP and Faststone image viewer (Both free) or ACDsee (there is a free version)

I was really disappointed when they stopped support for Picasa - I find Google Photos lack of "offline" management to be a huge backward step.
I stopped using Flickr because I didn't like the ads they put in the free version. I use an adblocker, so I never saw them. But people who didn't have the adblocker complained about the ads -- which came through as full-sized photos stuck in the midst of an album. Google Photos doesn't have any ads -- at least not that I've seen.

Kathy, you must have had your paid version of Flickr for a while and been grandfathered in to the $25 price, since it now costs $50 a year for the Pro version. Google Photos is free, with unlimited storage, although there is a limit on the size of the photos. I'm not a professional photographer, so the size they allow is fine for me.

Charity, I think you could still download Picasa for your PC here: Techradar. It's worth a try anyway. Also, Flash is generally considered obsolete. You might want to uninstall it. Instructions and more info here.
For people with lots of photos on your iPhone, you might find this article about backing up to an SD card interesting:

I haven't tried this device because I don't take all that many photos with my phone. I still prefer my Canon camera for "good" pictures. Any photos I care about I put on my computer and back them up to an external drive. But that Lexar reader looks like a pretty easy and affordable way to back up and store lots of photos from your phone.
I use my iPhone for my everyday photos and am trying to copy them into Lightroom and keep them with my other photos, but have to get better organized about this. At some point I will need to delete them off my phone!

We are getting ready for a trip and I will take my good camera. I like the iPhone photos, but it is fiddly using it. I still like a camera that you can hold.

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