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Photo of the Day 2018

Snowy Montmartre, just up the street, very near where Tourmama and Freda have enjoyed their respective rentals. (photo from the Montmartre A La Une site)
Montmartre r Ravignan snow.jpg
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First full day of spring in Virginia!


Headed to St John, USVI in two weeks - Sun and Blue water in my future

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Happy Easter

Yep it is the state bird of Virginia - The Red Cardinal
He was very unhappy with the weather that day!
The males are bright red and the females are brown/gray with a streak of red

We to are looking forward to see the changes to the island. Tourism is coming back, and most of the infrastructure is back in place. The only two hotels on island are still closed and it appears they will remain that way for awhile. Some of the smaller inns are back open, and only a fraction of the private villas. However from all reports nature has healed much quicker than the manmade structures. 9 days! The water is blue and the sand is white!
From today's hike : in the first what is seen in the foreground are the remains of an ancient trap for leopards. BTW, this looks like the middle of nowhere, but the Giro d'Italia passed here last week just a kilometer away. Southern tip of Israel.


We are currently in New Mexico visiting our son, who lives in Santa Fe. Here are a couple of photos from recent days.

First, a picture of Chimney Rock at Georgia O'Keeffe's Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu. This was taken during a wonderful tour with a ranger there, based around locales painted by O'Keeffe.

Next, Shiprock, which we passed en route to visiting a couple of national monuments in the northwestern part of the state. I think when we get back I may put together a mini trip report because it was such a fascinating area.

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