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Question about airfare, Italy end of March

italian excursion

100+ Posts
I am very puzzled! Making a quick trip to Orvieto last part of March and the airfares are as though I'm traveling in May. What the heck!? Anyone have a good idea for better deals? I prefer to travel more by traveling for less....What am I missing? Thank you,

Have you any interesting suggestions, Andrew? I don't think I should have to pay over a thousand dollars for that time of year. And I'm not willing to be on a layover that requires a hotel stay an airport.....
OK, you don't say what sites you've searched so we might search and advise on other sites, you don't say where you're starting from, you say you're flexible by a day but don't say from what date other than "last part of March." This isn't adequate to work with.
Sorry, Andrew, I was in too much of a hurry and wasn't specific enough. San Diego is the starting point, FCO the end. 3/20 or 21 to 3/31 or 4/1. Justfly, ASAP, Skyscanner, Bookingbuddy, Kayak, Priceline, every site with "Cheap" in the title, wow, air this and that. I can't possibly name them all. I'm thinking it might be better to wait a couple of weeks but if anyone has a better idea I am open! I've traveled in March before and it's not usually upwards of $750 that time of year. Thanks for your responses.....

Thanks, sometimes there are questions like this and the person has only searched the airline they took last time. The main things I see are if you're open to going from LAX, on Kayak there are options in the $600s, mostly Air France, some with the Alitalia non-stop outbound.

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