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Remembering Robert Rainey on This Last Day of SlowTalk

Susie L

10+ Posts
I wasn't sure where to post this, and Pauline please feel free to remove if you feel it is not appropriate. With the demise of SlowTalk today, my thoughts have turned to RR and how I wish he were here to contribute to Slow Europe.
I went on SlowTrav and copied his blog the other day. I was thinking of him too! I looked up some of his posts, but there were too many to start copying them. I thought of him a lot last September when we hiking near Aosta, because he went there. I wish he were still with us.
Me too. One of my favorite ST threads of his was the planning of getting their formal clothes to Venice, as he wanted to attend the opera in style with Peg. Oh my, the planning and the thinking and the details...mere mortals would have given up, but not RR! I loved it when he posted a photo of himself and Peg on the steps of La Fenice!

Oh, and the great advice on packing wine and checking it as baggage!
I'm glad you posted this. I was thinking about RR the last few days also, while reading some old threads on ST. I never met him in person, but did exchange some emails about walking. And he gave me some wonderful tickets to a Broadway show when he wasn't able to get to New York because of a storm. What an enthusiastic traveler!
Omigosh Robert Rainey. This just reinforces my feelings of loss, re: Slow Talk. There are many "friends" whom I have
"met" on those forums, but never really met in real life. So glad some of the institutional memory is here on SlowEurope.
And it looks like many STers are joining in... what a relief.

I was also thinking about him recently when I went through the trip reports. I always looked forward to his trips and his hiking adventures.
Funny, me too...I guess the ending of one thing brings up a lot of memories. I watched for his posts as well.

I have to say it's great to see a lot of "old friends" here!
My most favorite post from Robert was when he shared this amazing home cooked dinner he and his wife was treated to by owners of this restaurant that I think was closed but the owners invited them for dinner anyway (I can't remember, I think it was an off the beaten path place in Italy). It was a fish dish and he posted the photo of the fish with just the bones left (as he had already eaten it). It was very funny but at the same time he shared an important life lesson to me.

As I recall, he didn't take a photo before because he was enjoying the moment so much that he had forgotton to snap a photo. I think sometimes when I travel, I can get too preoccupied with capturing the moment with my camera. Robert in his wonderful post shared the story because in that moment it was more important to be present and completely enjoy that particular experience rather than to photograph it. He certainly knew how to enjoy and live his live to the fullest with his hiking adventures and travels. Like Marta, I always looked forward to his planning and reporting back of his trips and adventures.
Hi Kathy
I'm perhaps your opposite, because I can go 2-3 holidays without taking a single photo. I only tend to do so in quiet times and scenic locations. I've yet to take a photo of *food on the dining table and only took my first 'selfie' last year and found the experience uncomfortable :oldman:
Whilst you can tell I very much see Robert's point of view, photos are a great way to relive the memories and also to share the experience more vividly with fellow travellers here. When the photo hunt comes along I'll be struggling!

*No-one (yet) has attempted to take a photo of the food on my plate. I think they're scared to do so :D
Hi Kathy

*No-one (yet) has attempted to take a photo of the food on my plate. I think they're scared to do so :D

Hi Ian, lol. With no food shots, yes I think that maybe you will be struggling on the food themes. :)

You reminded me of something. I met a pilgrim on my recent Camino who told me that she was not taking any photos on her entire journey. I asked her, not even with her phone? She said not even with her phone. She said that she was just wanted to come on her pilgrimage and enjoy each moment. Kudos to her and to you.
While going through many of the slow travel trip reports this morning (luckily still there), I too thought a lot about Robert Rainey. It is still so sad. He really brought a lot to the slow travel website.

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