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rental car help


New Member
we're looking to do a 4 week road trip starting in Split and Tirana, we'll be zig-zagging between countries.
I was hoping you could tell me which car rental companies have an one-off cost for border crossings and don't charge you for every time you cross a border.

Thank you :)
In my experience, all rental agencies charge extra for car return in a country from that of te start point of rental. Many also charge extra for car return in a adifferent point within the same country.
But think of the differential this way : you may seem to pay more, but you would also pay more if you were leaving the car in a given point then take train or bus or plain to get to point B.
Lastly, I was told that if you rent a car for more than 3 weeks, it is more economical to do a car lease instead of car rental. If I understand, a car lease means that a rental agency allows you to buy the car, and at the end of your road trip, it buys it back. I have not had this experience. Perhaps others can advise you better.
The lease deals are mostly associated with the French car manufacturers, there's an extra charge (sometimes waived during a sale) for pickup and delivery outside of France, and there are limited locations where it can be done. I don't think I've seen Croatia or Albania as possible locations for leases, but maybe it's possible.

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