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Rental Car Pick-Up In Rome

We have picked up and dropped of rentals cars in Chiusi several times and it is so easy! The car rental location is across the street and down a half block from the train station. I am working on the same scenario right now. We are going going to be in Assisi and then heading to Rome for a night before heading home. Normally, we always drop our car in Chiusi and train into Rome. This time Letizia is suggesting dropping our car in Foligno because its close to Assisi and has quick direct trains into Rome. The only disadvantage in the car rental is not directly at the train station. We would have to take a short cab to station. It makes me a bit nervous to do that but she assures me it's not a problem.
Thanks for the advise Andrew and Valerie. However, I got a really good rate on our rental car through Autoeurope Canada and if I try to modify my reservation to drop off the car at anywhere else in Rome than Via Giolitti/Termini, it will cost us US $50+ more. I guess I will just have to plan ahead and hope that my usually rather competent navigation skills can get us safely there!
Tery, do keep checking on whether the rate goes down; I've had that happen, and you could change the return location.
If you are headed north of Rome, any of the offices near the Via Veneto are convenient. As mentioned earlier, the drive up the Via Salaria to the Autostrada is pretty easy....with a GPS or good directions, you should have no problems.
Jim, would these same offices near the Via Veneto be convenient if we are driving into Rome after a week in Tuscany? We have only ever dropped off a rental car at FCO and once near the Borghese Gardens on a Sunday. Since we are staying in Rome for 5 days after we return the car this year, I would love to drop it off nearer Rome than FCO if possible.
The Via Veneto area locations are close to the underground parking garage in the Villa Borghese where cars were formerly returned but they are now inside the walls. The one way street patterns in the area can be tricky but with GPS, it is feasible. Generally, it is easier to drive out of Rome than it is to drive in but it can be done.

I used to plan to drive into Rome on Sundays (when the ZTL is not active--unless it is a car-free day) and drop off the luggage at our hotel, then return the car to the Via Veneto area office and walk back to the hotel. I need to check to see if I can still do that since we will be driving to Rome this year on a Sunday.
The only time we have ever returned a rental car to a location other than FCO was on a Sunday in 2005. We also dropped off our luggage at our apartment in the Jewish Ghetto and then returned the car - probably to the underground garage you referred to, Jim. This year we will be driving into Rome on a Saturday and returning the car. I saw there was a Hertz rental agency at Via Sardenga, 30. I am tempted to try to return the car there rather than at FCO, simply to shorten our taxi ride to our apatment near Campo dei Fiori. But it looks as if there are a maze of one-way streets very near the ZTL at this location, so I am not sure that it is worth the effort. I will get on my maps apps and see what I can figure out, but FCO might be our best bet since we are familiar with that location.
You can get a Google Maps Street View of Via Sardegna 79 to view the return garage and see that there are separate entrances for Avis/Budget and Hertz/Europcar: try to use the correct one.

I was typing at the same time as @Mom83 : note that via Sardegna 30 is the office for starting a rental. Looking at the Hertz site, they give the drop-off location as via Sardegna 38A: with one of the quirks of Rome street addresses, it's more than a full block from number 30 and apparently across from 79.
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Tery, do keep checking on whether the rate goes down; I've had that happen, and you could change the return location.

Andrew, you were right! I checked again last night and today and the rental rates on Autoeurope Canada had gone down - for all except the car we originally reserved! And, the rates were significantly cheaper using my work computer , probably because of the different ISP address. I modified our existing reservation from a Fiat Tipo compact wagon to a Ford Focus wagon with drop-off at FCO rather than Termini (we don't mind taking a cab from FCO to our apartment in Rome). Price ended up being US $50 less than the prior reservation!

It will be farther for us to go to FCO to drop of the car, coming from Puglia, but at least its mainly autostrada / superstrada the whole way, and we know where the rental car drop off is at FCO . And, no more Rome one way streets to deal with getting there!
In the last couple of weeks there were taxi strikes and demonstrations over legislation that would regulate Uber. I think the situation has been that it isn't allowed for people to use their personal cars as taxis, but Uber can be used for licensed car services, such as the nice cars serving the airport, to arrange rides, and that's staying the same.

As are the prices from what Italian friends are telling me. Cities have got to stop milking the cash cow that taxi medallions are. In NYC a medallion can run a million bucks. So much better if they just charged sales tax and required Uber/taxi companies to pay per call.
Nobody here has mentioned ciampino. Particularly if you are spending a night in Rome before the flight. On a 30 day rental I saved $150. Return is hinky so make sure you understand how to do it before leaving after picking up the car.
There is a $6 bus to Termini and the same price restrictions as if you came from FCO for taxis.

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