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Rome apartment location...

Hi Mom83. Nice information regarding the Blue Apt. We will be staying there for three nights next June, 2018. We have always stayed at the Del Senato or Mozart, so are really looking forward to the apartment, and exploring a less frequented area for us. Glad the noise factor has been addressed here.

Hi Sharon J, how was your stay in Rome?
ROMEFROMHOME :hello ANNE,love your blog ROMEFROMHOME.Thank you for posting details of your travel in Rome.it is very inspiring.
I plan to visit rome in October/2018 FOR 3-4 WEEKS & like to now if you know reasonably prized apartment near Largo di Torre Argentina.
Thank you so much Kalpana for your kind words - they mean so much. How lovely that you get to spend all that time in Rome. Sadly I don't know of any apartments in that area as we have mainly stayed in Monti & Testaccio but if there is anything else I can help with please don't hesitate to ask.

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