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Scotland or Wales? or Iceland?

What time did it get dark? It must have been an incredible trip.

Hi Pauline, I can't remember exactly but I think it did get dark early. I did most of my sightseeing during the days and spent the evenings relaxing.

I took this photo on one of my walks after dinner in Arisaig (one main road in and out). By the way, the chef here at Hotel Arisaig where I was staying prepared an amazing seafood dinner. The town is small but charming. I found this picture thinking I could see the time that I took it but of course I didn't set the time to local time and it says I took this photo close to midnight (which I know I didn't). The landscape is amazing. There were advantages and disadvantages to being there in November. Some things were closed and the weather was sketchy but there were no crowds and it made driving the roads a bit better for me. And with pockets of some good weather I was able to enjoy the scenery a lot. Really stunning. The second photo is in Fort William, behind the clouds (above the church) is Ben Nevis. The photo says I snapped this at 1 am. I think I took this photo while looking for a place to eat dinner.

Yes, it was an incredible trip.


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Looking at Pauline's map reminded me that if you need some standing stones, Kilmartin Glen (one of Scotland's biggest prehistoric sites) is just south of Oban. And from Oban you can sail to the islands of Mull and Iona, 'the Cradle of Scottish Christianity' founded by the Irish St Columba. We were there a couple of years ago in May...
Kilmartin glen.jpg
Iona abbey.jpg
Kathy, and Dana, I can't thank you enough for this information. I got bit by those videos, too. Lots and lots to think about and consider.

Pauline, I appreciate that map. It helps a lot to frame Kathy's trip, and see the actual locations of these places.

I've got to solidify a game plan. This will not be easy, I can see. Aside from staying in Edinburgh, which I really want to see, we would like to stay in one other location for the remainder of our visit. (wish we had more time!) I am definitely in love with the Highlands - it's the amazing scenery and history that gets me every time, and is what feeds my hunger to travel.
Are you going to stay in a vacation rental for part of the time Terry? In the UK there are many great vacation rental agencies, since this is a common vacation accommodation here. I have a list of some on the main site. Remember they are called holiday cottages or self catering here.

I would start looking at vacation rentals, see what areas they are in - that may help you decide. It would be fabulous to stay right up in the Highlands if possible.

Have a look at the Landmark Trust places. I have not stayed in one, but would like to. They are all historic and have been preserved by turning them into holiday rentals.
We have created our itinerary, and I'm very psyched. We'll fly into Edinburgh, where we'll spend 3 nights. Then off to the village of Plockton, in the Western/Northern Highlands, right near Isle of Skye, for 8 nights. Finally, one night in Glasgow before we catch our 10am flight home the next day in Glasgow.

Hoping to check out a lot of great places, including the Broch dwellings in Glenelg. Castles, stone rings, hikes and great scenery - it's got all the makings of what we love to see and do during a visit.

Rentals/self caterings did not work out too well for us in the Highlands, as either many were already booked, or mostly their terms were Saturday-Saturday, and we would be arriving mid-week. So we will stay in the Plockton Inn in their Annex building, which is described as quiet.

For one night in Glasgow, we'll be staying in a hotel - The Pipers' Tryst - and I'm still figuring out where to stay for 3 nights in Edinburgh, which will probably be self-catering (there's zillions of choices in the city).

So that's where things stand so far. It's coming together nicely.
That Lochalsh website looks very useful. What a lovely area! I've never been anywhere near there: firmly entered on my (all-too-long) wish list. Looking forward to hearing all about it
That sounds great! Those Broch dwellings look interesting. I am going to look up where the major stone circles and standing stones are (for a possible trip) and will post about them in case any are near you. If you have already figured this out, could you post about them?
Hi Terry, looks like a wonderful itinerary. I'm looking forward to hearing about your impressions and experiences and seeing your photos.

Have a wonderful trip.
I just booked our Edinburgh accommodations. Through Airbnb - it looks perfect for us, good central location, reviews say it's quiet, too.

Need to arrange a car rental for when we leave Edinburgh. After that, I will be free to begin concentrating on places we want to see, and some major stone circles, too. I will post as this all starts to come together.

Thanks for everyone's help so far.
Checking back after a wonderful trip to Caledonia. :)

We loved the country - the people, the culture, the landscape. This trip had everything we look for in a getaway.

Edinburgh was fun to explore, and it felt so old! We tried a few new things (like Scottish whiskey - just a sip for me - and haggis - just a bite). We loved our Edinburgh flat - it was perfectly located and a pleasure to stay in. We walked around a lot, and climbed Arthur's Seat, which offered really great views.

Our NW Highland town of Plockton was a delight, and served us well as a base to make day trips from. We went to Isle of Skye several times (could have spent our entire time there EASILY - the hiking and walks are endless, and the landscape so beautiful). But so is the entire NW area. Parts almost look like the moon, being treeless and covered with grasses and heather/heaths - almost an "other-worldly" feel.

Trails are well marked for the most part, or well described in books or on-line. We visited several castles, and even made it to a broch. We met quite a few Highland cattle - HUGE, as big as bison, with shaggy hair on their faces and huge horns.

Our final day/night in Glasgow was an amazing time, as it was the dayt before The Vote, and there was electricity in the air.

I'm trying to upload a photo to this thread, but I'm having some kind of issue (I think) with my computer that when I click on "upload a file," nothing happens. Thinking it may be my Adblock, but not sure.

Anyway, thanks to everyone here for your input. New Zealand has always been on my bucket list, but so many people we met while hiking told us that the landscape in Scotland was so similar to NZ; they said Peter Jackson could have filmed LOTR easily in Scotland. We loved our time there. Highly recommend!
Hi Terri, so glad to hear that you enjoyed your visit to Scotland. Your descriptions are so accurate. Great photos. They bring back so many fond memories. Looks like you had great weather for your hike up to Arthur's Seat. I also love those beautiful Highland Cows....those bangs. :) I have so many photos of them. I can't really tell, but it looks like there is a baby cow in your photo. Maybe you caught a little family. Thanks so much for sharing.
Years ago we visited Iceland on our way back from Scotland - at that time Iceland Air let you do a stopover in Iceland for no additional charge - but I'm not sure if they still offer that option. For us, and quick 2 day visit to Iceland was something we'd never thought about, and I have to say I'm glad we did. It might be worth checking with IcelandAir. But Scotland would still be #1 on my list! We rented a car and drove from Edinburgh (after staying there a few days and seeing the Tatoo), on to Aberdeen, then to Drummandrochit (sp?!) and Fort William for a few nights each, and finally to Glasgow. I could spend much more time in the Scottish Highlands!

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