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Slow Moments

From the Chapel at Magdala, the Sea of Galilee, Israel :

Good accommodation, preferably with a view, is very important to us. It is not simply a place to sleep but a place where we can relax. Our Prague apartment (May 2005) was not luxurious but sufficient with a very pleasant t view of the garden in the back.


...our apartment with a balcony and two windows​

We enjoyed the view from the balcony and windows



...yup, that's the American flag at the top of the hill - the American embassy​

The garden is accessible to the public for a very small fee (an equivalent of ~$1 in 2005) and had very few visitors. The view from the top of the garden is also beautiful. We spent a lot of slow moments while there.




Some parts of the Israel desert look pretty similar to the surface of Mars, as has been most recently shown in shots transmitted back from the Curiosity rover now on Mars. A certain part of this desert - the Ramon Crater - has been one of the places chosen to serve as a simulation base for the training of future astronauts to the red planet.
These photos from today's hike are not from Ramon, but from the southern tip of the country. Still, many places in this area also look almost extra-terrestrial.

And the big plus : no viruses! ;)




One of the advantages of living in the country is space. Our self quarantine space is a little larger than many city dwellers.

There is an old railroad track that runs parallel to the farm we live on. Today, tired of being inside we took a walk. Deer, birds, and Mother horseback riding with her children were the only thing we saw on our walk. The trail is 18 miles, but we only did 4 today. Still a little chilly here and we walked very slow taking it in.

We live in the residential area of a big city. I feel fortunate to be able to take a daily short walk in our hilly neighborhood for about half an hour covering about a couple of kilometers. We are under "shelter-in-place" order but allowed to go out for fresh air and exercise as long as we keep at least six feet from others. I have seen very few people these last few days and had been able to cross to the other side of the street to keep my distance.


.....the playground, the Pacific Ocean, the sky​






Enjoying spring in the neighborhood.​
While sitting outside and enjoying a delicious lunch and wine in a small town in Croatia, I looked over and spot this kitty soaking up the sun on the balcony which opens up to an amazing view. It did make me a little nervous that she/he was so close to the edge.

Under the terms of our UK lockdown we can go out once a day for exercise but have to go on foot from our front door. We cannot drive somewhere then walk. Luckily we have several good walks from our door but I am wishing we could drive out for variety.

Here are a few photos from the footpaths near us.


The fields near our house.


Tide out at West Bay, our seaside town.


Wild orchids arrived this week on the lanes.


New lambs up the lane from us.


More lambs on the lane.


We hike to the top of Bothen Hill and look back down to our neighbourhood.

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