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Slow Moments

2017, 1st train from Zermatt to Gornergrat (3,089m) to catch the sunrise, then perhaps our all time favorite hike ever to Sunnegga! Only saw 2 other people during the first 2 hours of our decent, they were running "training" uphill!!

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The cold snap has finished in Lincolnshire and temperatures are slowly crawling back up into double figures. Even the birds have started singing again.... This was my first proper walk of the year.

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Liz, trying on a hat in the village Finikounda in the southwestern tip of the Peloponnese in September 2018. Shops line one side of the long main street, restaurants line the other side, with the beach and the sea a few steps beyond. Our time in the Peloponnese has been one of the most memorable of all our travels. P.S. She bought the hat.

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