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The Best Time to Visit India


10+ Posts
I have been watching a lot of videos of Western travelers visiting India and most of them had very good experiences. The best thing is the budget and I do have enough savings to have a trip of 3 to 4 weeks later this year. I am thinking around October and November, what month should I choose to avoid extreme weather and too much crowd?
Either month would work well as you will be missing the monsoon season when it is very hot and hunmid and generally unpleasant. Temperatures will be slighly higher in October and you will also have a bit more daylight in the evenings. Depending on where you are going and doing, you will find Indian cities busy and crowded. (Think of the population of Delhi for example. Traffic is scary! ) Some of teh main tourist sites (Taj Mahal for example) are always busy but away from these, the smaller less popular tourist places away from the main areas of settlement will be less busy. Never having done a wild life safari in India, I can't comment as to the best time to see tigers and other animals.

India can challenge all the senses but is an incredible place to visit.
Either month would work well as you will be missing the monsoon season when it is very hot and hunmid and generally unpleasant. Temperatures will be slighly higher in October and you will also have a bit more daylight in the evenings. Depending on where you are going and doing, you will find Indian cities busy and crowded. (Think of the population of Delhi for example. Traffic is scary! ) Some of teh main tourist sites (Taj Mahal for example) are always busy but away from these, the smaller less popular tourist places away from the main areas of settlement will be less busy. Never having done a wild life safari in India, I can't comment as to the best time to see tigers and other animals.

India can challenge all the senses but is an incredible place to visit.
Thanks, what are the best places to visit in that time of the year apart from the main cities?
Gosh, where to begin... India is huge and the different areas are so very different. It all depends on what you want to do and see - culture, heritage, wildlife, beach, high adrenaline activities...

Perhaps the best advice is to look at brochures of tour companies specialising in trips to India and see what sort of holidays they run and where to.
Hi if this is your first trip to India, I would suggest doing just one region. As Eleanor mentioned, India will overload all your senses, especially on your first visit. Are you planning to do an independent trip, or go with a tour group? Either way, I would focus on either North India (the Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, Udaipur area) or South India (Kerala, Chennai, Mysore, etc. and stretch to Mumbai and Goa); they are both equally exciting but trying to do both in 3 to 4 weeks would be overdoing even if you aren't 'slow traveling'. North India will start to get cold by December. In South India, it never really gets cold (it is hot, hotter, and hottest). October November is good. for South India. December tend to be crowded in places to Goa because of Christmas
October-November is a nice time to visit. If you are going to visit the eastern part of India, like Kolkata, you can actually witness their biggest festival, Diwali. It's in November. I was there once; it was really breathtaking. You can read this article https://gowithguide.com/blog/tourism-in-india-statistics-2024-the-ultimate-guide-5493. There are a lot of places mentioned in that article, and the best seasons to visit as well.
India best time to visit.jpg

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