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Travel purse

I hoped I would find my Healthy Back purse in my box of purses shipped from the US (with all our other household things), but no - I must have decided at some time that I did not like it, or maybe it was worn out. I did find two nice Mandarina Duck purses so will make do with them (purchased in Rome many years ago).
I hoped I would find my Healthy Back purse in my box of purses shipped from the US (with all our other household things), but no - I must have decided at some time that I did not like it, or maybe it was worn out. I did find two nice Mandarina Duck purses so will make do with them (purchased in Rome many years ago).

Super Useful!!!
I had forgotten all about that! I just went back to the Amazon link and there is a photo with the first review showing a woman at the Colosseum with heavy stuff in her Shouldit that is pretty funny.
I need a full size backpack for our electronics, am I taking too much? Last time I got by without a travel-size hair dryer, which is still too big, IMO I had a smaller one with a folding handle and stupidly forgot to switch from 220 to 110, so I fried the motor! Anyway, here's what I have to have in my backpack, plus I still need a purse
  • Netbook computer and asst accessories: baby mouse, power cord, plug adaptors, flash drives, pens, etc
  • clock-radio and cord/adaptor (This is Art's 'white noise' machine)
  • 2 point and shoot cameras (pocket-size) and batteries, chargers and cases for both
  • All our prescription medication, so depending on the length of the trip, this bag can be pretty large
  • Usually 2 travel size umbrellas. If I'm taking them with me anyway, I might as well have them on me, rather than in my checked luggage, right?
  • possible the aforementioned blow dryer
  • Rubber soled slippers for the plane, and later for the room (1 pair, small)
  • TSA bag with eye drops and contact solution for the flight
  • For overseas flights: 2 pr eye shades and 1 inflatable neck cushion
  • Small bag with chapstick, meds needed during the flight, snacks, water, whatever else I'll want with me on the plane.
D0 I need to downsize? I don't think my stuff would fit in a backpack as small as Jessica shows = but I'd love it if I could use one that small.
Barb, I think I'd put the umbrellas in checked luggage - you're almost entirely indoors once you get to the first airport until you emerge with your checked bags at the last one, so there isn't a big need to have them with you.

As for the blow dryer, I'd consider simply picking up a cheap one once you arrive.
Check the umbrellas! But put them in an outside pocket or somewhere easy to reach just "in case" for when land.

As for the hair dryer...I am not much for looking "done up", but even at 52 I really need to blowdry my hair. It is short. It is painfully fine and straight. It is not hair that makes me feel good about myself just washed and worn. I feel your pain, Barb. Check all the rentals, inns, etc. that you are staying. Almost every one of ours from last year's trip had a hair dryer so I didn't need to pack mine. One year I just didn't pack one at all and bought one at a SuperU in France for 20-ish euro. I know it's not about how I "look", but it IS about how I feel!

I have also found that my hair cut determines a lot of how I feel ... I've turned to getting it cut while traveling. I figure for the same price I might as well have someone else have a go at it! While in Provence with a heavy Mistral the stylist is able to help me out a lot. In a drizzly Paris summer, ditto. It has added to my cultural experiences and definitely added to my vocabulary! Think about it, it's rather fun.
Do you need the clock-radio and cord/adaptor? Can you use a white noise app / alarm on the computer instead?
I can get an app for my computer????? Tell me more!

As for the blow dryer, yes, I've started checking and was able to leave it at home for our Baltic cruise, and hopefully for our Alaska trip as well. I've had my hair cut on vacation before, but for me it just cuts (no pun intended!) into my sightseeing time, but I can see how it would be fun.
Barb, I think I'd put the umbrellas in checked luggage - you're almost entirely indoors once you get to the first airport until you emerge with your checked bags at the last one, so there isn't a big need to have them with you.

I stuff things I might need quickly on arrival, like an umbrella or jacket, in the outside pocket of my checked bag. I don't like carrying much on planes now. I don't like lugging stuff around the airport. I put some of the computer cables and non breakable things in checked bags.

Reviving this thread.....

I just ordered this bag for upcoming trips....the hardest part was picking the color. I opted for the "stone" color. I didn't dare buy "another" black purse, LOL

Once I receive it, I'll report back :D
That looks promising! The biggest challenge for me is finding a purse large enough for everything I want without being too heavy. The bigger it is the more I will fill it, so I need to find the (smaller) perfect size. I'm anxious to hear how you like it!
The holder on the side for a bottle of water sealed the deal....I have the popular Piazza Day Bag, but find it just a bit too small and the water holder is also a bit too small. Hoping this new find will be perfetto!! :)
I love my Piazza Day Bag, which is indestructible. I carry it all the time, not just for travel, and it's big enough for most of my needs. It is 5 years old and still looks great.

I recently bought the Kalya Town Square bag, which is probably too big to carry around all the time. But I can actually put the Day Bag inside it when I'm traveling, and use it as my personal carryon item (in addition to a regular carryon bag in the overhead). It is amazing how much I can fit inside it (in addition to the Day Bag) -- pretty much everything I want to be able to get to on the plane, and it fits well under the seat.
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