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Trip Reports from the old SlowTrav website

SlowTrav went offline in 2018. There were 800+ trip reports on the site, written by SlowTrav members. I love trip reports. Since 2014 we have been collecting trip reports on Slow Europe, in the Trip Reports forums (by country).

I have a copy of all the old SlowTrav trip reports (I used site cloning - scraping - software) but I cannot legally publish them on Slow Europe unless I have the permission of the author.

Here is the list of all the old trip reports on SlowTrav. The ones that have been moved are marked and have a link to their new location.

If you have a trip report that was on SlowTrav and would like to move it to Slow Europe, it can be moved in one of two ways:

1. I will send you a Word doc with your trip report. You can then publish it on the forums.
2. I will publish it for you.

Contact me by PM (click INBOX in the upper right) if you would like your trip reports published here.

It does not matter if the trip report is older. I have been re-reading many of them and they are still relevant and interesting.

Thanks to those of you who have already moved your trip reports over!
I just noticed this post and thought it would be nice to post my old trip report...
460: Capri, Tuscany, Venice and Family in Caserta, Spring 2004
Capri, Tuscany, Venice and Family in Caserta, Spring 2004.
SInce I can't find the inbox...it must be that time of the day...it would be great if you can just publish it for me. Thanks so much! Carol DeLucia
Hi Carol, I will add you to the list. I’ll send you a message when I am ready to copy it over, but it will be in a few weeks. I’m heading out on a trip and am behind on this project. Thanks!
@avvocato contacted me with permission to move over his SlowTrav trip reports.

Bel Abruzzo with side trips to Umbria, Lazio and Campania - 2003

Abruzzo - Family, Food and Wine - 2004

Abruzzo Re-Re-Visited - Family, Food and Wine - 2009

Switzerland (after Abruzzo) - 2009
I just noticed this post and thought it would be nice to post my old trip report...
460: Capri, Tuscany, Venice and Family in Caserta, Spring 2004
Capri, Tuscany, Venice and Family in Caserta, Spring 2004.
SInce I can't find the inbox...it must be that time of the day...it would be great if you can just publish it for me. Thanks so much! Carol DeLucia

I missed this post - sorry! I will copy it over now. Thanks!
Carol's trip report was posted:

Capri, Tuscany, Venice and Family in Caserta, Spring 2004
I have about a dozen or more reports still to post. I move a lost last winter but paused the project and will get started again this winter.

Reports from Terry, Roz, Zig and Georgia, Ruth (Boleskine), Kathy Wood, Barb, Earline - will be posted over the winter. Sorry for the delay.
Hi Pauline, Mine was #730 (Italy). Please repost. What incredible memories. Need some specifics for a friend. Thanks in advance.
Janelt's trip report was posted:

I have more trip reports on my list and will be posting them. If anyone else wants their old SlowTrav trip report posted, post here or send me a message. Here is the list:

The reports that have been moved are noted and there is a link to the report on the forums.
@Wendy&Rob 's great trip reports from fall 2003 have been posted:

Italy October 2003

A Mediterranean Cruise
I am back to work on this project. I moved the list of trip reports (from SlowTrav) to the forums so it is easier to find.

When a trip report has been moved I link to it from this list.

I moved @Georgia & Zig trip reports recently and am working on @Eleanor 's now.

@Dennis sent me permission to move his and they will be done soon.

I am still working on the list from last year with a few more to move across.

Post here or contact me if you would give me permission to move yours across. I am only looking at Europe reports right now. The more the better!
I didn't write many trip reports for ST because we lived in Italy back then and the sinking dollar sucked up all our travel funds! We did have one big extravagance when we went to Prague to see Paul McCartney. It's report 421, if you want to add it to the list. We loved Prague!
It took me 2 years to get to this trip report on my TO DO list (a new personal best), but it is posted:

Prague, Paul McCartney, and Pickpockets

Many apologies. I have several others on the list still. I was working my way through the list but then stopped when the pandemic started figuring if this was the end of life as we know it, I didn't want to spend any more time sitting at my computer. But, life is starting up again, perhaps the forums will get active again, and I am back working on my list of trip reports to publish.
SlowTrav went offline in 2018. There were 800+ trip reports on the site, written by SlowTrav members. I love trip reports. Since 2014 we have been collecting trip reports on Slow Europe, in the Trip Reports forums (by country).

I have a copy of all the old SlowTrav trip reports (I used site cloning - scraping - software) but I cannot legally publish them on Slow Europe unless I have the permission of the author.

Here is the list of all the old trip reports on SlowTrav. The ones that have been moved are marked and have a link to their new location.

If you have a trip report that was on SlowTrav and would like to move it to Slow Europe, it can be moved in one of two ways:

1. I will send you a Word doc with your trip report. You can then publish it on the forums.
2. I will publish it for you.

Contact me by PM (click INBOX in the upper right) if you would like your trip reports published here.

It does not matter if the trip report is older. I have been re-reading many of them and they are still relevant and interesting.

Thanks to those of you who have already moved your trip reports over!
Caro here I would like you to publish my old trip reports.
No 77 and No 475 please
I posted an old SlowTrav report for @Christian .

I posted the oldest of Caro's - Tuscany in 2002!

One more to post of Caro's.

I ran into a problem with this trip report. The scrape of the old SlowTrav website did not catch this report, so I did not have a copy. I found it on the WayBack Archive. Not sure how that happened!
And Caro's trip report for Norway. Thanks Caro!!

I just heard from Kim, one of the original SlowTrav people, and published a 2002 trip report of hers.

Two more of Kim's were posted:

Kim's last two trip reports published. Thanks Kim!

I have some trip reports from Kathy Wood and Roz still to post, plus some postcards from Cheryl, but if anyone else wants theirs posted, let me know. Here is the list. Reports that have been posted have a link in the title and moved beside it.

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