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UK Referendum for EU Membership

Do you think they could do a re-vote? From what I read, it legally is not binding, at least until they start the withdrawal from what I understand. It probably would cause riots, etc though. It really amazes me how so many people vote without knowing what they are actually voting for.

Pauline, I wondered how you were doing once you saw the final vote count. A good long walk sounds like the perfect way to deal with the news.
I don't think they will do another vote.

Most people we talk to are unhappy with the results. I don't like how my age group is being blamed as if everyone over 60 voted leave. The pound is down again today. BBC Radio 4 seems to be only talking about the vote and the repercussions. The Labour Party is in disarray.

A friend from Canada phoned asking if we would still be able to travel in Europe! (Yes!!)

I read that Brits in the rest of Europe right now are having problems with ATMs because the banks don't want to deal with the fluctuating pound. Is this true?
I hear Cameron saying there won't be another vote. The next PM will proceed with the "leave". Also, hearing young people interviewed saying they voted Leave, but regret it, as they were not well enough informed---moving freely to /from Europe for travel & jobs, seemed to be a point they missed out on. Wonder how they know what age group voted which way. Is it public knowledge how you vote there?
There will be an election in the next few months, hopefully voters become informed, like you, before they mark the ballot.
I think one interesting thing is how many people are applying for Irish passports, so they'll still have the benefits of EU membership when traveling, or perhaps as expats. I guess it's pretty easy to get an Irish passport if you had an Irish grandparent.
Steve and I both have Irish passports. My father was Irish. It is easy to get one if your father or grandfather is/was Irish. Not sure about mother and grandmother. It used to be father only, as it was for British. But it changed for British about 10 years ago and that was how I got British citizenship.

I too heard the stories of people getting their Irish passports. With an Irish passport they can still live and work anywhere in the EU.

So much information and misinformation is going around now. It seems strange to go out grocery shopping and see that everything is normal.
Wow, how many passports do you have, Pauline?
US, Irish, UK - 3 of them. I let my Canadian one expire years ago. I wrote a blog post about it: How I Became a Citizen of Several Countries.

Things seem to be settling down here for now. The US stock market has mostly recovered. The pound is in the mid $1.30s after a low of $1.31 (I think). It was down to $1.40 in the months before the vote. Candidates for the Conservative party leadership are declaring themselves - the deadline is tomorrow noon. Labour has voted no-confidence in Corbyn but he has not stepped down. The EU says if the UK wants a free trade deal with them they have to accept movement of people - so that would not change EU migration to the UK.
I am not a fan of Buzzfeed, but this article gives a good overview of the craziness here in the last week and a half.

Buzzfeed - Britain’s Completely Batshit Week Since Brexit, Explained For Americans, July 2 2016

Our Prime Minister resigned.
Boris Johnson, who lead the Leave campaign and has made it clear he wanted to be PM, said he would not run to be PM.
Several people have come forward for the leadership. They pick two of these and, in September, put it to a vote of the Conservative party membership.
Some have said they would have a general election if they are in power, others have said they won't. The next election is scheduled for May 2020.
Our opposition party, Labour, is trying to get a change in leadership but it isn't happening yet.
The pound dropped against the dollar and the euro. Before the referendum it was around $1.44 but had been as low as $1.41. Today it is $1.33.
Regrexit is the term people are using for those who voted to leave but only meant it as a protest vote, never thinking that leave would win.
Article 50, which starts the process of leaving, has not been invoked and won't be until there is a new Conservative leader.
Argh ... but everything really feels the same here so far.
The pound has not gone down more. It is bouncing around in the low $1.30s.
The Conservative Party quickly chose a new leader - Theresa May. The other person running against her dropped out, which is good. So things feel stable.
They are kicking the Brexit thing down the road - busy setting up new cabinet leaders, going to meet other country leaders, etc. May gave Boris Johnson a cabinet post, so he will be involved with Brexit when it happens.
Labour is still a mess and is going through a leadership challenge now.
Reports on the economy are coming in and showing a slowing.
24 hour waits in traffic going to the Dover ports last weekend (and now)!! Some say it is the French doing more checks after recent incidents, others say it is the Brits who can't handle the amount of people traveling. Same thing happened last summer.
I am way more worried about the US political situation now - as if I didn't have enough to worry about with the UK!!
We had a short heatwave last week and it finally feels like summer here. June was very wet and colder than usual (after a warm start).
I am way more worried about the US political situation now - as if I didn't have enough to worry about with the UK!!
We had a short heatwave last week and it finally feels like summer here. June was very wet and colder than usual (after a warm start).
I've been watching the 2 conventions on CNN and can't believe the circus for both parties.
No point in worrying, the voters will choose and the World will have to live with their choice.
Gotta be grateful for the stability I've seen in my country in my lifetime. Times are changing.
Thanks for the update.

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