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United Kingdom - TV SHOWS & MOVIES

Pauline...we will be in Italy at the same time but, as usual, will miss each other. Perhaps we are destined just to have a virtual friendship.... :)
And we will both be in southern Italy. Let me know where you are going next in Italy - maybe we can finally meet up! Meanwhile, have a great time in Sicily!
I have also taken a look at trying to get a good VPN as of right now I havent got one, and I would love to see what the Fuss about Downton Abbey is.
Downton Abbey fans might wish to know that the latest project for Penelope Wilton (who played Isobel Crawley) is somewhat different. She's leading a series called Brief Encounters, set in the 1980s, in which she plays a respectable butcher's wife in a northern town who finds herself involved in running sales parties for, ahem, ladies' personal pleasure requisites. It's in the same mould as other "group" drama series set in the north, like Clocking Off and Fat Friends, but a bit thinner and more formulaic, perhaps.
Another British detective drama from ITV aired this spring - Marcella. We liked it but it is violent and not everything is tied up at the end (but most is).

The Guardian - Marcella finale recap – devastatingly unsettling, by Gwilym Mumford, 17 May 2016
Marcella goes down swinging with a bold, bracing episode featuring heists, plastic prisons – and a wall-clawing psychopath. I suspect we’ll be seeing more of Anna Friel’s tortured detective very soon.
ITV - Victoria, starts on Sunday. I am not sure how many episodes there are. I heard a good review of it on BBC Radio 4. It was written by Daisy Goodwin who has written other historical books (I liked The Duchess).

From the ITV website: Victoria comes to the throne at a time of great economic turbulence and resurgent republicanism – and died 64 years later the head of the largest empire the world had ever seen, having revitalised the throne’s public image and become ‘grandmother of Europe’. The first series of Victoria, written by Daisy Goodwin and produced by Mammoth Screen, will tell the story of the first years of the reign, beginning with the moment of the Queen's accession in 1837, following her first faltering steps from capricious, hormonal teenager with a weak grasp on her duties and responsibilities to her marriage to Albert. The show is a saga of interlocking circles – the circuits of power in Buckingham Palace and Westminster, the intermarrying royal houses of Europe and the scandals of the below-stairs palace staff. At the centre stands the new Queen – a spirited, passionate woman who must, somehow, become an enduring icon of stability and strength.
I got a "shock" this morning when clicking on the BBC iPlayer web site.....


The law changed on 1 September 2016.

You must be covered by a TV Licence to download or watch BBC programmes on iPlayer – live, catch up or on demand. This applies to any device and provider you use.

Don’t forget, you still need a TV Licence to watch or record programmes on any channel as they are being shown on TV or live on an online TV service.


Any suggestions for workarounds...short of torrenting. :)
Hmm...the programs seem to play but the downloads are being interrupted......not sure if it is related to the license requirement.
To get a TV license I go online and pay each year, giving them my address. The only info they have is my address. They are not checking online. Maybe they require that you be in the UK but a VPN gets around that. I think it was always like that. I heard that in future they may ask you to login with your TV licence number, but that will be a big change to their system.
>>My understanding is that they do nothing to enforce it. They don't ask for your license number. Try and let me know if you can't use it.<<

Turns out it was a false alarm...sometimes they ask if you have a license but don't ask for details. I have been very successful recording BBC programs using an application called PlayOn and have salted away a number of shows for later watching.
Fans of Broadchurch might like to know that the third series has just (by comparison with series 2, which disappointed in all sorts of ways) got off to a cracking start in the UK: and there are some great actors still to appear, which should be a good sign:

A search suggests it's not been mentioned, so I'll put in a good word for Great Canal Journeys on Channel 4 http://www.channel4.com/programmes/great-canal-journeys/on-demand (not sure if this works outside the UK)

It features Timothy West (most commonly seen playing Henry VIII or Winston Churchill) and Prunella Scales (most famous for playing Sybil in Fawlty Towers). They've had a lifelong love of the British canals. However it's also interesting for the dynamic, both as a slightly old-fashioned couple (he very much the captain), but also how they sympathetically give insight into the dementia she suffers from. They've branched off in recent years to also cover boating trips in continental Europe.

Another good reason to watch it, is for the different views that travelling on the canals gives you, and at the pace of the boats (4mph top speed) you get to appreciate without having to stop.
...and another that's a UK programme but is a road trip around Italy: 'Italy unpacked'. The pair are a chef (Italian) and art historian (British), and it's great for giving a different perspective, not just the famous sites/sights. Both seem to show genuine interest in the other's expertise. Rather amusingly I see very close similarities in how the British guy (Andrew) speaks Italian, to how I speak it myself. We seem to structure things very similarly and use some of the same specific phrases.
Fans of Broadchurch might like to know that the third series has just (by comparison with series 2, which disappointed in all sorts of ways) got off to a cracking start in the UK: and there are some great actors still to appear, which should be a good sign:

It was filmed where we live (Bridport-West Bay) and we saw some of the filming. We are watching it but keep pausing and backing up to figure out where the scene was filmed.

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