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Walking England October

Oh dear. I'm disappointed but thanks so much. Beamster doesn't seem to have much except Albert's which is booked part of the time we may be there.
I'm going to have another look at Donkey Lane. I don't remember uploders but will see if I can find it.
PS thanks for your supportive comments on FB and Instagram. Just learned how to post more than 1 pic at a time and don't have to do it instantly. Should help eliminate fuzzy ones.
Oops I see that Sweet Briars is in Uploaders. I forgot. Looked at both it and Donkey Lane again. Donkey Lane is considerably more expensive. I don't know why as doesn't appear any nicer.
Sweet Briar seems avail in October. I think we will book it.
Getting there. Train from Heathrow to Axminster. Rent car there and drive or..?
The train from Heathrow is not convenient. It is a 2.5 hour easy drive from Heathrow to Bridport. If you fly into Gatwick you can take the train to Dorchester with one change. Dorchester is our closest train station, but I am not sure if they offer rental cars there. Axminster is much smaller.

The Southern Trains serve this area and have been on and off strike for the last year or more. I think it is resolved now.

National Express buses come to Bridport but you would have to change a couple of times I think and their schedule is not good.

We always drive to the airport.

You will like Sweetbriar - clean and spacious. The owners are next door and are not obtrusive but are very nice. The DVD player broke one night and he brought another one over immediately.
We're planning to fly From Bristol to Dublin, so it's possible for you to do the reverse, thus avoiding Heathrow and Gatwick. We'll be picking up our car in Southampton and dropping off in Bristol, and the one-way surcharge is about $50. I say this because I'm assuming you might need to fly out of Heathrow or Gatwick at the end of your stay.

I've gotten some good ideas from this thread, thanks!

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