However, today many cameras can transfer to a phone on the fly, so why not get a better source file than yourcameraphone can offer you. I think Pauline has made a wise decision on her choice.
Sontag is a bit harsh in her critique of photography - but she has a keen sense of perception, and perhaps that's what defines a good critic.
I did the math : our last (24-day) trip to Italy yielded an album of about 1000 photos. Let's say that there were another 200 that I deleted. That's 50 photos a day. On the assumption that I take pics only during 12 hours a day, that's around 4 photos an hour, or one every fifteen minutes. That was a bit depressing to me - I thought that I was much more of a minimalist than that. Of course in reality, taking pics might be done usually in bursts, rather than evenly spread out during the day(s).
... I'm just interested in documenting where we went and what we saw - I enjoy reliving the memories later.
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