Guzzini cutlery bought in Gravina (Puglia)
Bialetti cups bought in Mondovi (Piemonte)
these top two could have been bought at home on the internet I suppose, but it helps to see what you're buying to make you realise it's something you want.
Fiery coloured bowls (soup, dessert etc) bought in Lipari (Sicilia)
Slow food wine glasses bought in San Miniato (Toscana)
Moomin mug from Stockholm (Sweden)
Coffee cups from Amsterdam (Nederland)
Duvet covers from Amsterdam, Torino, Bologna, Wellington
Kelemata deodorants from Torino, Bologna, etc.
Antica erborista toothpaste from local markets
Native Australian herbs from Perth (Australia)
I'll also buy food & wine from Europe, as (for now) it's ok to bring most things through customs. They don't always last long!
some t-shirts (I'm wearing one as I type this)
probably a lot more if I think about it. I used to aim to travel out with bags only 2/3 full, but when doing shorter trips, I'll take an extra bag on the return flight and I find it all too easy to fill it!