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Where to purchase maps and guides

I'd be wary of recommending buying on Amazon like this. From experience booksellers can vary in how quickly they despatch books and how quickly they get delivered by the post. Some are excellent and do deliver within 2-3 days. Others I have had to wait up to ten days before the books have arrived...

I always keep a paper copy of all my notes with me which get scribbled on and added too during the holiday.
Cameron, Thanks so much for the citymapper app suggestion. I downloaded it and have been playing around with it. I think it will be very helpful.

Rome Addict. I'm not a fan of online guide books. I've tried them and found them cumbersome when traveling. I've downloaded a couple free ones from our local library. They are handy for reading before a trip, can squeeze in some research while waiting on other things, but I've found them a pain when on the actual trip. Hard copies for me! I imagine I may buy books/guides/maps while on location, but I don't think I'd chance even Amazon prime when I'm not at home.

Eleanor. Oh yes, paper notes. I have them all over the place and generally spend the week before a trip trying to consolidate them in some fashion. As I said above, I doubt very much I'd ever order anything to be delivered while on holiday. Maybe if I stayed in the same location for a month, but not when it's a week or less.

I've finally started carving up guide books, as recommended by a couple guide book authors. It was hard. Cutting a book apart is almost sacrilegious to me. However, once I finally did it I was pretty pleased with the results. Taking a 500 page book down to several dozen pages that I will actually use is an incredible space and weight saver. I'm far more likely to put a small section of a book in my bag for the day. Many times I've traveled and left a guide book behind in our rooms because it was too much to lug around. It's also helped me to be realistic about what and how much I can see and do on a trip. I do try to embrace the Slow Travel concept, and this is another step that helps.

A week from today we will be, God and Airline willing, in Bath! Woo Hoo!


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