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Who's In Europe Now - And How Hot Is It?


1000+ Posts
From what I'm seeing on the news and reading on FB, Europe is miserably hot this summer. When you're there for a limited time, hot days usually mean a slower pace, and maybe not having enough time to see and do all you'd planned to do. I hope everyone has a nice hotel with a/c for an afternoon nap!
At least it is a short heatwave. Yesterday broke records in several spots in France. It was over 100F in London. It was hot where we live on the southwest coast but only 75F.
I live in Portugal - on the coast. Weirdly, we have missed the heat waves, so far. In fact, June was the coolest on record! We have only rarely hit the mid 20’s! So, if you are in Europe this summer, Portugal seems to be the place to be.
It depends...2 weeks ago I was wearing a jacket in the morning to go to the bar for my caffe. This week, up until today, it was shorts and short sleeves. Last night a storm blew through and back to pants. Forecast for Friday is 35C!...in the mountains.

The weather and temperatures this year have been all over the board. Plan for the worst, hope for the best!
Our heatwave ended but it still feels hot here. Temps in the low 70sF but a bit humid.

Our area gets very busy in summer, once the holidays start which is mid-July until end of August - so there are a lot of people here now. The beaches don't get full because we have so many beaches, enough to handle everyone. But our walking trails along the coast are full of dawdling families, teenagers in flip-flops, people who are walking a mile from their campsite or caravan to town and are not used to walking. At other times of the years it is only the serious walkers who are out. With the heat and sun we are having, I don't mind dawdling for a bit.
I was so disappointed that last summer was so hot in both Ireland and England. Once we arrived in Italy, altho it was hot (it WAS August!), the temps weren't extreme. The summer of 2017 was very hot and very dry in Italy. Summer used to be OVER on Sept 1st, but over the years we lived there we saw that change. Now we have to pack for every season and every weather condition.

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Booking.com Hotels in Europe
AutoEurope.com Car Rentals

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