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Ongoing Quiz

Hi Tim
Not Huntingdonshire. Checking the detail online it relates to Norwich being a 'county corporate', which was finally removed in 1974, meaning it was fully subsumed within the existing Norfolk (of which the internet suggests it was also a part, so the answer isn't as clear cut as my source suggested).
You got the key element, so that's enough I reckon - so you get to set another question.

What structure, built between the Firth of Forth and the Firth of Clyde represented the Northernmost point of the Roman Empire ? (Tim W)

Where would you find Edinburgh of the Seven Seas? (TimW)

How did Termini, the main train station in Rome, get its name? (Andrew)

What is the town of Ortisei called in the language of the majority of its population? (Andrew)

What pub name links Tolkien and CS Lewis in Oxford with Watson and Crick in Cambridge? (TimW)
I'll go ahead and call you correct on the Termini question: it doesn't translate to Terminal, as many think; it's named after the ancient baths of the area (terme). The spot was known as Piazza di Termini before there was a station.

Ortisei is in a German-majority province, but the town majority is neither German nor Italian. Unless they've spent time there, people probably wouldn't know the name, and it needs to be looked up: it's a curiosity of Wikipedia policy.
Hi Andrew
I was thinking Walser, but I've a funny feeling they are more to the west.
What structure, built between the Firth of Forth and the Firth of Clyde represented the Northernmost point of the Roman Empire ? (Tim W)

Where would you find Edinburgh of the Seven Seas? (TimW)

What is the town of Ortisei called in the language of the majority of its population? (Andrew)

What pub name links Tolkien and CS Lewis in Oxford with Watson and Crick in Cambridge? (TimW)

What is the Easternmost city in Italy (TimW)
I'll guess one of the Puglian cities for your new one Tim, Brindisi?
Where would you find Edinburgh of the Seven Seas? (TimW)

If you draw a line from Cape Town, SA to Montevideo, Uruguay
Then draw a straight line from the western tip of Ireland to Antarctica
Where the two line intersect you will find Edinburgh of the Seven Seas.
It is not the end of the world... but you can see it from there.

Where would one find Edinburgh of the Seven Seas? On the island of Tristan da Cunha. A UK territory.
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Correct Colo - sorry for late reply, am currently in Canada so have not checked answers for a few days.
No worries Tim - Remember this is the Sloooooooooow Europe Board :D
I added a question on the bottom

What structure, built between the Firth of Forth and the Firth of Clyde represented the Northern most point of the Roman Empire? (TimW)

What is the town of Ortisei called in the language of the majority of its population? (Andrew)

What pub name links Tolkien and CS Lewis in Oxford with Watson and Crick in Cambridge? (TimW)

What is the Eastern most city in Italy (TimW)

The year is 1219 and your parents insist that you go to a University of higher learning. They demand that you fill applications for all four schools in Europe. What institutions of higher learning are you sending your application for admission? (Colo)
I like the University question. I'm fairly sure of Oxford, might be too early for Cambridge, although that's pretty ancient as well so I'll go for that. Educated guess for the next two - Siena and Padua in Italy.
Well 2 out 4 is a strong start.
We now have 3 of the 4 schools identified.
But which 3?
Recommend that folks answer includes all 4 to help with the process of elimination.
I thought I'd gotten away with that :angelic:
Let's say Bologna, Oxford, Cambridge, and... I'm sure it's in Spain but where? Valencia?
p.s. in order to move some of the older questions on, I'd like to give the people setting them the option to 'honourably retire' them once they've been up for a while & switch a new question in. Clues of course are also welcome if we're struggling.
I thought I'd gotten away with that :angelic:
Let's say Bologna, Oxford, Cambridge, and...

Well Ian you nailed it with the your first three, and even in the right order of Oldest to Newest. Albeit, some will argue that University 4 should really be University 2, but I digress. So that leaves the question...

I'm sure it's in Spain but where?
OK, I'll retire the Ortisei question: the majority language is Ladin, and the name is

Should be an easy question to replace it:

What structure, built between the Firth of Forth and the Firth of Clyde represented the Northern most point of the Roman Empire? (TimW)

What pub name links Tolkien and CS Lewis in Oxford with Watson and Crick in Cambridge? (TimW)

What is the Eastern most city in Italy (TimW)

The year is 1219 and your parents insist that you go to a University of higher learning. They demand that you fill applications for all four schools in Europe. What institutions of higher learning are you sending your application for admission? (Colo)

What is the one region in the peninsular part of Italy that doesn't touch the sea? (Andrew)

What structure, built between the Firth of Forth and the Firth of Clyde represented the Northern most point of the Roman Empire? (TimW) The Antonine wall

What pub name links Tolkien and CS Lewis in Oxford with Watson and Crick in Cambridge? (TimW)
The Eagle and Child

What is the Eastern most city in Italy (TimW)

The year is 1219 and your parents insist that you go to a University of higher learning. They demand that you fill applications for all four schools in Europe. What institutions of higher learning are you sending your application for admission? (Colo)

What is the one region in the peninsular part of Italy that doesn't touch the sea? (Andrew)


I'll think of some more questions later

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