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Photo of the Day - March 2017

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What a beautiful view!
I have to ask... Have you ever been sledding down that hill?
It looks like you would not slow down until you got to the village :eek:
What a beautiful view!
I have to ask... Have you ever been sledding down that hill?
It looks like you would not slow down until you got to the village :eek:

We don't get snow here! But the guy who washes my windows grew up here and said went he was a kid they took their bikes down that hill! That hill is only 348 feet high. There are a lot of steep hills here.
Beautiful day in San Francisco

Pauline - it never snows?
I knew snow was not the norm, but never?

That must have been one heck of a bike ride!

Pauline - it never snows?
I knew snow was not the norm, but never?

That must have been one heck of a bike ride!

Maybe not never, but this winter it snowed inland but nothing here. When we lived in Gloucestershire we had a bit of snow. Still not much compared to other places I have lived - Colorado, New Mexico, Ontario. And it does not often go below freezing during the day.

Well we got about 1/2 inch of ice today in Virginia so your picture is location is looking more appealing by the minute.
We had a few guest come for a Sunday visit in the yard. My wife's flowers are struggling with our visitors! Our guest tend to eat and run.

I begin my journey back to the USA in a few minutes. Always bittersweet, except this time I won't be gone long at all... just 5-1/2 weeks. Last night we had drinks with friends who live higher in the village. This is the view from their terrace, looking out over the village and valley. (The roof of our house extends across the second row below them, with three different levels.)
Love that view, Kathy!

We started our day with a couple of adventures with the local birds. First, we looked out the window and saw this couple walking down our river path.


We used to see wild turkeys quite often when we lived in Massachusetts, but we'd never encountered them before in Napa. We followed them down the path, until they flew up on a neighbor's rooftop and eventually disappeared. So we went for a walk around the neighborhood, and unexpectedly saw them again about a mile away before they vanished again.

We were on our way home when we saw a male duck just sitting in the middle of the street. We thought he was sick, but then decided it must have been lovesickness when we saw Madame Mallard standing and watching on the other side of the street.


She walked across to his side, pointedly ignoring him and settled down in the bushes. He finally seemed to get up his nerve and over the next several minutes gradually approached her, making what we guessed were courting moves -- flipping his tail and bobbing his head.


But she kept playing it cool, and we never did see them get any closer together, although we watched for quite a while. Eventually it started to rain (which of course did not bother the ducks) so we just came on home, wondering if the romance was ever consummated!
Today was spring weather. Bright sunshine but only 48F. Then heavy clouds that made it feel very cold. As we walked along the coast the wind was biting. We had to turn inland. Sunshine again. When we got home it rained. More sun. More cloud!! Then a rainbow!! Photo is from our back door, looking towards the hill that we like to walk on. (Nice telephone pole!)

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