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United Kingdom - TV SHOWS & MOVIES

Love Nicola Walker and really enjoying "River" and "Unforgotten"...except that we are not used to having waiting for a week for new episodes. "River" will be shown on Netflix in the US beginning November 18.
Just saw that the Sherlock Christmas special "The Abominable Bride" premieres a the same time in the US and the UK, January 1st. Glad we don't have to wait a year to see this.

I think the BBC could solve all their money issues by offering international subscriptions.
Haven't heard of either but we watched several episodes of Hinterland and were thoroughly bored. The countryside in Whales was breathtaking but too isolated and rugged for my taste. The show, I thought, was just plain silly. Unbelievable and melodramatic.
We're in sync Pauline. Too funny. I watched the first show of River on Netflix last night. Odd. It gets rave reviews but takes a little getting used to. The accents are a challenge. One thing that bothers me with some of these shows. The cops are soooo old. You just know in real life, they would be retired by now. I know it's silly but River looks in his 70s. No way would he be on the beat.
... The cops are soooo old. You just know in real life, they would be retired by now. I know it's silly but River looks in his 70s. No way would he be on the beat.
I agree! And he gets the girls!

One thing that I like about TV in the UK is that many of the actors are "normal" looking, not movie-star-perfect. The female lead in River has dark rings under her eyes and really bad hair (but, her character is dead). I guess US and Canadian TV is like this too somewhat, but it seems like more here - or maybe we are all just a bit odd looking in the UK.
or maybe we are all just a bit odd looking in the UK.
lol!! I like her. She played the daughter in that one about the older couple getting together after many years. She definitely looks real with lines down the side of her mouth etc. Plus I don't think she's that old. Can only imagine what I would look like on the telly. Yech, makes me shudder. Actually I know as I was interviewed during the Canadian elections. At my door. I saw myself later and I thought "who is that woman?" No one will recognize me but people did.
I love Nicola Walker. She also had a recurring role in Scott and Bailey, another British detective show that I like. And, she's on Broadway now in "A View From the Bridge"
Sometimes I think there must only be about 30 British actors, as I seem to recognize someone from a previous show I've watched. I think everyone has been in Midsomer Murders...
We watch lot of the British mystery series, mostly because they don't require total attention and the characters are fun. New Tricks is one of our favorites. Inspector Lewis and Inspector Morse are also entertaining. We have watched Doc Martin, but he's not one of my favorite characters. Murder in Paradise is NOT recommended. The Inspector Lynley series is one of my favorites as well. Some seem to be pretty close to the Elizabeth George books, others not so much.

And by golly, I do love Downton Abbey. I never had the time or opportunity to watch Days of Ours Lives, so I'm getting my soap opera fix as I walk on the treadmill. Makes the time fly.

And I agree with SusanSeattle. There are about 16 actors in British mysteries. We are constantly seeing the same faces on different series. "Oh, she's Doc Maritn's wife" or "He's Inspector Lewis' boss!" And I love that British actors are not all skinny and gorgeous. They look like real people, flaws and all.
Loved Season 3 of The Bridge....Saga is an amazing character. London Spy was too odd for us however....albeit some great acting.

Capital was good but too superficial for me...I had read the novel which I liked very much.

US series...The Leftovers (HBO) was very powerful and this season of Homeland has been great.
On a lark, I got a free month of Acorn TV and we started watching Season 1 of Upstairs Downstairs. Many of the episodes of the first season were not shown in the US until years later. (There was a labor dispute and most of the programs were in black and white which PBS chose not to broadcast until 1989.)

Anyway, it is a hoot to watch them...some of them for the first time. Production values are a bit creaky but the characters and scripts are great. It remains to be seen if we are hooked into binging through all five seasons.

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