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Guess this photo - April 2017

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Thanks Ann.

Until I find a suitable pic for the hunt, I'll just digress a bit and relate how we got to the area of Magliano Alfieri.
My wife really likes the Madernassa pear variety, which is a Piemontese variety that originated in the area a bit to the south of there, near Guarene. The other growing area is to the west of Cuneo. Researching a bit, I found that there is a local fruit co-op near Guarene that makes a cider from this variety, and also has a small store on the premises. So we made a nice day trip from our agriturismo near Moncalvo, that included this store, a visit in Guarene which, sitting high, has a beautiful observation point eastward, and also San Damiano di Asti, another lovely town. The backroads in the area are beautiful, and well worth leaving the more traveled highways.
The people at the store were really nice, even offered us a pumpkin for free.
OK folks I decided to go easy on you and not post a pic of a ghost town in the middle of nowhere ;)
This one's still in Italy :

Yes I was torn between the masses of porticoes in Bologna, and the rather Tuscan pattern which reminded me a little of the Pisan churches
Genoa maybe?
That's the city, Colo! On the Via XX Settembre, one of the main streets.
Your turn on the pitcher's mound....
I spent an Easter Sunday afternoon walking the streets of this historic port city. Nothing, including the churches, were open.... The doors were locked after early morning Mass. :arghh: Of all days I thought the churches would be open. I must return one day.

So how about this one. City and Country please

As this is Einstein, I'm going to make an educated guess and say his birthplace. Ulm in Germany.

Tim W is correct. The city Ulm, Germany is Einstein’s birthplace.

The statue, which is a strange one, resides where the Einstein's home was located, with this small marker showing the spot.


The city Ulm is the home of the Ulm Minster, which is the tallest church in the world at 161.5 m (530 ft). And this dumb 50 something at the time decided to climb to the very top with his young co-workers. Did I tell you that I am petrified of heights, and once to the top there is no fencing to keep you in. Not one of Colo’s smartest things he has ever done.


Tim W - Where are you going to take us now?
I went to a church in Vienna where the ceiling was flat but it was one heck of an optical illusion. Not the same place, but is it an optical illusion?
Ahhhh... The Cardiff Clock Tower?
Correct. The previous photo was of the "Arab Room" in the grand house within the Castle.

Over to you, Colo.
I think this one will not take long :)

Roz - you are correct.
Sitting on those rocks since 1198 this small church is well worth the visit.

... and where are we going next?
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