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Guess this photo - April 2017

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One of my favourite views of Siena, from the bridge on Via Diacetto. A bit of a cheat because I stayed in an apartment just out of view to the left of where this was taken.
I'm really looking forward to stay 7 nights in Siena in September. I've been before but only for a few hours. Looking forward to exploring the area and hooking up with the fabulous @Cristina :)
No Guesses? - I suppose it is a little out of the centre - I'll try somewhere else in the city, and if still no takers, a more obvious shot.
I'll guess Warwick Castle, but if I'm wrong I'll claim 40+ years since last visit as a mitigating factor!
OK... My earlier photos were guessed very quickly so I thought I should try to be a bit more difficult. Maybe I went too far in that direction. Here is one more photo. PokeyMindy did guess in the correct city.
Not Marghera - opposite direction. I was able to see one of the Mose gates being worked on from the boat we took there. Another photo (not mine):
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