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Guess this photo - April 2017

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This village has been popular with filmmakers.

Yes, I thought you'd probably guess it, Ann, since your recommendation was one reason we went there. The Hundred-Foot Journey (with Helen Mirren) was filmed there -- although I think it had a better title in French: Les Recettes de Bonheur (Recipes for Happiness). Also, the WWII drama, Charlotte Gray.
Nope, Dubrovnik is actually inland, not surrounded by water, as is this island -- how's that for a clue!
Dubrovnick is on a peninsula so there is water on three sides but it helps to know this pic is an island. When you walk the walls you see lots of water. I haven't been to this place but will guess Rab.
Sorry, I was thinking Zagreb! We spent a week in Dubrovnik right on the water overlooking the Old Town.

And yes, it's Rab. Over to you!
One of my favourite views of Siena, from the bridge on Via Diacetto. A bit of a cheat because I stayed in an apartment just out of view to the left of where this was taken.
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